
Wound Die Type: 1d8

Control Modifier: +0

Ability Score modifiers:

  • + 2 Charisma

  • + 2 Intelligence

  • - 4 Wisdom

Size: Medium Sized Creatures
Speed: 30ft

Devious Capitalistic Society: +3 Sense Motive & +1 Financing Party Ability Point w/ Slot

The Lobes: +3 to Perception

Medical Class: Group II-a (near-humanoids)

Ferengi are native to a planet called Ferenginar that is almost Class M. They have brownish skin and are very obsessed with profit.


Ferengi are driven by a need to accumulate material wealth. This greed is central to their society, and to their culture. If you have money, you are friend to a Ferengi... if you do not you are ignored.

In addition they have a very rigid patriarchal attitude, women are never allowed to achieve wealth. They are also not allowed to wear clothes, nor are they allowed to hold any sort of public office. They are treated as the property of their men. If their husbands die, they are only allowed to live off of the salary given to them by their sons or grandsons.

Physical Description:

A fully developed Ferengi stands at around 4 ft tall and have large bulbous heads with enlarged brain cages. Their ears are very large, their teeth are pointed. These ears are the pleasure center of a Ferengi. Their form of sexual pleasure involves a ritual called oo-mox. This procedure can be performed by anyone who is trained and involves massage and stimulation of the Ferengi lobes.

Alignment: Ferengi tend towards neutral alignments because most Ferengi are naturally only concerned with their personal profit

Planets:Ferenginar (homeworld)

Ferengi have a loose religion based around the first Grand Nagus of Ferenginar, Gint. Gint wrote the original rules of acquisition, and also wrote of the Ferengi afterlife. Ferengi believe that when they die they are brought to the Divine Treasury where the Blessed Exchequer measures their wealth, and if found worthy they spend eternity in luxury... if not, they provide the luxury to who have been found worthy.

Language: Ferengi is an unusual nonlinear language. Each word could have one of a dozen meanings depending on where it is in the sentence, even the writing system is nonlinear and is read from the center of the page outward.

Adventurers: Ferengi are curious and always looking for profitable endeavors. They take adventuring as a way to see new worlds and exploit them. As lovers of gems and other fine items, some Ferengi take to adventuring as a quick, if dangerous, path to wealth.

Names: Ferengi Names have no family name.

Female: Prinadora, Velma, Stooxa, Phoberba, Pel, Ishka
Male: Freg, Gwimbagi, Beggon, Zum, Arlon, Teg, Yarp

Latinum will get you everywhere:

If the Ferengi is carrying at least 10,000 ECU, the Ferengi gains +1 to diplomacy and bluff. They gain this for every 10,000 ECU the Ferengi carries on his person. Up to 100,000 ECU can be used for this purpose.

Family Profits, a slight skim off the top, nobody will notice:

Ferengi start 1st level with quadruple the starting ECU for their class.

Unique Brain Configuration:

Due to being a genetic product of natural evolution merging with genetic material from a hirak sporeship the Ferengi are Immune to Surface scans, they gain a +4 saves against Deep scans.

Automatic Languages: Ferengi; Common

DM-RP: 12 Unrestricted

Ability Scores: Weakness: -1 RP

Attributes: Somewhat nonspiritual: -2 RP

D/C Society: 5 RP

The Lobes: 2 RP

Latinum will get...: 3 RP

Profit Skim: 1 RP

Psi Resistance - Scans: 4 RP