
Dilgar Biology

Student Name: Benjamin Kyle.

Student Status: Final year med-student, Med-Corps (Earth).

Document Date: 28th May, 2234.

Document Title: Dilgar Biological Study (Final Draft)

Document Status: Classified (Access Restricted)

The Dilgar are humanoids with pointed ears and feline features. Their pupils are vertically elongated similar to those of cats. The bridge of their nose is widened, and goes up the forehead, making a v-shape rise in the forehead, the tips of their eyebrows tips are pointed, similar to the Centauri's eyebrows.

Wound die type: 1d8 Racial Control Mod +0

All Dilgar are of medium size.

Dilgar have a base speed of 30 feet.

+2 to Any (and clan bonuses, see below)

Medical Classification: Zorski Group IVa - Felinoid

Because the Dilgar prefer to strike first and ask questions later, they gain the Improved initiative feat.

The Dilgar prefer offence to defence. They gain a penalty to Defence Value when performing the fight defensively or total defence actions in combat of -2.


Members of this race gain an additional skill rank at 1st level and one additional skill rank whenever they gain a level.

Low-Light Vision:

All Dilgar have superior eyesight that is far sharper than a human’s. Dilgar of any (sub) race have superior eyesight that can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish shade and colour while under these conditions, and can even read by such light

Prime Dilgar [Thrazan]

Dilgar (Prime Dilgar)

The so-called ‘Prime’ Dilgar, from the Thrazan tribe, are the dominant sub-race on Omelos.

What is immediately noticeable at first sight, and perhaps something that humans can best relate to, are the feline influences in the appearance of any Dilgar.

Naturally, this may cause a premature value judgement, in assuming that the traits common to the felines that have evolved on Earth also apply to the Dilgar, but almost as if to prove some sort of order to the universe, some of these constants ring true.

The Dilgar have a standard bipedal body shape, similar to humans. They have two upper limbs, with digits that enable the lifting and grasping of items, and two lower limbs that allow the Dilgar to move around again at a similar speed and comparable level of flexibility to humans, Centauri or even Narns. The Dilgar brain, whilst a little smaller than that in humans, appears not to suffer from this, as the skull is thicker in a Dilgar head than it is in many other races, Drazi excepted. The Dilgar brain, from my initial findings, is well developed, and appears to have an excellent capability for information storage, retrieval and analysis. However, the Dilgar which I have examined and dissected as part of my year long study into differing forms of alien biology appears to indicate a distinct lack or diminished ability for what humans would consider ‘leftbrain’ activity.

Throughout this report, I will refer to the self-named ‘Prime’ Dilgar by their common name, Dilgar simply for reasons of clarity, rather than ‘Prime’ or ‘Thrazan’. This will aid comprehension of the later text, specifically when discussing the Dilgar sub-races.

Dilgar (Thrazan) Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:

As a race, Thrazan Dilgar have extremely quick and agile minds but are utterly uncompromising in their self-proclaimed superiority which inevitably leads to friction when dealing with others.

Alertness as a bonus feat.

Thrazan Dilgar are ever alert for danger and can detect the slightest movement in their vicinity with an ease that can almost seem supernatural.

Toughness as a bonus feat.

Thrazan Dilgar can resist incredible amounts of damage and will carry on fighting long after others have fallen.

+2 to Perception Skill

Automatic Languages: Thrazan

Dark Dilgar [Kathran]

Kathrans (Dark Dilgar)

When compared to the dominant Dilgar race, the Kathrans have several differences in their make up which warrant description in this analysis. They have a darker tawny fur and pointed ears that end closer to their scalps when compared than that of their kin, together with slightly thicker but shorter body hair.

Other than this, there is little difference between the Kathrans and the prime Dilgar race on an external level, which perhaps explain the level of subterfuge and infiltration that both sides conducted in during their evolutionary struggles. The vocal cords and sensory organs of the Kathrans are also identical in size, construct and function to those of the Dilgar.

The Kathrans do not possess the same ability to continue after suffering tremendous amounts of damage as their counterparts, although this is perhaps fortunate for the other sub-species of Dilgar on Omelos. The reason for this is a mental imbalance inherent in many Kathrans, which can cause them become incontrollable, wrapped in violent urges which can often only be sated by fulfilling their desires.

Of significant note is the physical state that a Kathran is left in after this beserker-like exertion, often struggling to even stand. The hormones which are released, triggering intense contractions and rapid bloodflow through their internal organs and muscular system actually exhaust the body of the Kathran, with muscles appearing to require several hours to recover. The supposition I present is that this is directly related to the length of time the Kathran was in this ferocious mental state.

The Kathran sub-species therefore have a physical weakness in that they are less hardy than the Dilgar race, although it would be remiss of this analysis to overstate this. Indeed, the presence of the beserker rage in the profile of the Kathrans seems to indicate that their powers of recovery from injury and infection are greater than that of their sister species.

This seems to indicate that the Dilgar have a greater ability to avoid injury, but the Kathrans better suited to dealing with adverse physical conditions.

Dilgar (Kathran) Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma:

As a race, Kathran Dilgar have extremely quick and agile minds but are utterly uncompromising in their self-proclaimed superiority which inevitably leads to friction when dealing with others.

Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.

Kathran Dilgar are blessed with an innate toughness, allowing them to carry on when other Dilgar would collapse from exhaustion, poison, disease or simple damage. This genetic ability allowed them to survive in the harshest of conditions of their homeland.

Automatic Languages: Thrazan, Kathran


May rage once per day as a 1st level Barbarian. If the Kathran Dilgar has a class which grants a Rage ability or equivalent, they may instead use that Rage ability one additional time per day.

The Kathrans have a -2 racial penalty applied to their Willpower when attempting to avoid losing their temper. This difficulty to control their rage is a key factor in the development of the Kathran Beserkers during their long wars against the Thrazans.

Tall Dilgar [Rittacan]

Rittacans (Tall Dilgar)

By historical accounts provided by Tenshin Kiro, of House

Kiro, the Rittacans were conquered because unlike the other dominant species on their homeworld, they possessed little taste for violence, which ultimately led to their becoming a slave race to both the Kathran (Dark) and Thrazan (Prime) Dilgar.

The Rittacan subspecies have many aspects lacking, when compared to the other native species on Omelos. First and foremost is the lacking of any advanced recovery or resistance to external elements, which the other sub-species possess in relative abundance. Instead, their brains seem to have an increased learning capacity, even above that of the other Dilgar species.

A note, which must be recorded, is that unlike the other

main Dilgar races, the Rittacans seem to be especially weak. Whilst in no way unable to utilise their physical attributes for the benefit of their race, the muscular structure seems leaner and less compact than that of the Kathran sub-race and Thrazan race. This may also be caused by an elongated skeletal structure, which all Rittacans share.

The ‘pure’ Rittacan genetic structure in theory could allow for telepathic ability on its own; from my initial observances, it appears that the remaining genetic elements to allow this ability to actually mature are not present within the Rittacan DNA structure.

Rather, they are present within the DNA structure of elements of the Kathran sub-race, and to a lesser extent in the primary Thrazan race.

This bizarre quirk, one could almost question was by design, for I propose that for a Dilgar to have telepathic abilities, they must have Rittacan, and either Kathran or Thrazan parentage.

Dilgar (Rittacan) Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence, -2 Strength.

As a race, Rittacan Dilgar have extremely quick and agile minds but their elongated body frames possess less muscle bulk than one would expect for a Dilgar.

Alertness as a bonus feat.

Rittacan Dilgar are ever alert for danger and can detect the slightest movement in their vicinity with an ease that can almost seem supernatural.

Skill Focus as a bonus feat.

Rittacan Dilgar have a dispensation towards focusing on particular goals, the majority of them peaceful and for the

benefit of their society as a whole.

+2 to perception

Automatic Languages: Thrazan, Rittacan

All Dilgar Base Stats

DM-RP: 6 RP + tribe RP below.

Attributes: Flexible +2 RP (divided between Base and tribes)

Lacking Defense -2 RP

Quick Reactions: +2 RP

Slightly Unspiritual -1 RP

Low-light Vision: 1 RP

Skilled (4 RP)


DM-RP: Base 6 + 6 = 12

Alertness Feat +2 RP

Toughness Feat +2 RP

Perception Skill +2 RP


DM-RP: Base 6 + 6 = 12

Rage +4 RP

Great Fortitude Feat +2 RP


DM-RP: Base 6 + 6 = 12

Perception skill 2 RP

Alertness +2 RP

Skill Focus +2 RP