
Cygnans as a species resemble Human albinos with one major difference: where a Human albino’s eyes are pinkish, the Cygnan’s eyes are jet black, with no discernible whites or pupils. It cannot be confirmed or disproved that Cygnans descended from Earth-human stock, but there are no fossil ancestors on their own planet, meaning they were transplanted there within the last 50,000 years.

The Cygnan sun, Shresha, is a K3 orange dwarf; its output of ultraviolet emissions is much lower than that of the suns of other Habitable worlds. As a result, the Cygnans have lost the usual pigmentation that would serve to protect them from the sun’s harmful effects. When visiting other worlds, Cygnans protect themselves at all times by the use of a special long-lasting chemical sunscreen, the ingredients are usually easy to acquire and all cygnans know formula, even if they lack chemical skills they can explain its manufacture easily to one possessing the skills necessary.

The Cygnans hold a firm belief that they are the descendants of an extremely advanced, star-faring species. Their religions are centered on the numerous half-remembered myths and legends about the lost Sky Fathers and their gifts and teachings. The gifts are remembered as ones of science and technology; the teachings are remembered as ones enjoining them to explore and share those gifts. Just as the Sky Fathers came from the stars to light the Cygnans’ way to a more advanced society, so too do the Cygnans feel the urge to enlighten less advanced peoples.

The Cygnans are extremely adept at all forms of technological endeavors, considering them to be forms of 'high art'. As a result Cygnans actually see all technology as a form of art - they are also renowned for their 'art' Being one of the most technologically advanced races in the region of space their homeworld occupies.

Cygnans have a well-deserved reputation for lacking discipline - except for when it comes to technology.

Homeworld: Class-M, Gravity 1.10G, Atmospheric pressure 1.03, mean temperature 68°F

Wound Die Type 1d10

Racial Control Modifiers +0

Medium Sized

Base speed 30 Feet

Medical Classification: Zorski Group 1b [Near Human]

Ability Modifiers: +2 to any Two ability Scores.

Skill Bonuses:

Cygnans gain a +4 species bonus to all Knowledge (Technology) and Repair skill checks.

In addition, they are treated as class skills regardless of class.


Cygnans gain 2 extra skill points per level and may pick any three skills that are not class skills to be counted as class skills at first level.

Solar Radiation Vulnerability

Cygnans take 1 Point of Constitution Damage per hour if exposed to sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet radiation greater than that of their home star, without applying their Race's specialized sunblock paste before hand.


Attributes: Normal Hitpoint and Chakra balance.

Ability Scores: Flexible +2 RP

Skill Bonuses 8 RP

Skilled Variant: 4 RP

Vulnerable to Ultraviolet Radiation (–2 RP)