
[Originally from Babylon 5]

Once known as the Lion of the Galaxy, the Centauri Republic has suffered several setbacks in recent history and is now a fraction of its original size. At one time or another, it seems that the Centauri have fought with most races except the Minbari and Vorlons.

As a species they bear a close physical resemblance to humans including much of their body chemistry, structure and hair but taxonomically differ greatly, especially in the arrangement of internal and reproductive organs.

The species is separated into two sexual genders correlating well with the accepted Male and Female aspects. They are warm-blooded and live-bearing. The females nurse the young in similar fashion to humans, showing some parallel to Earth mammals.

Cultural norms are for the males to fashion the head hair into large crests from one side to the other - rather like a sideways Mohawk. The size of the crest was originally used to indicate social status, age and wealth but with the decline of the republic are subject more to fashion

Females are seen mainly to go shaven headed (or sometimes with a "ponytail"). The head crests figure on idols of Centauri deities, even those that display hermaphroditic body features.


The Centauri are a gregarious people and usually take some delight in meeting any new alien race, particularly if they are believed to have art, literature or artefacts of interest. Relations with other races, however, are often marred by simple Centauri greed. The Centauri’s racial trait of attempting to secure the very best position possible for themselves, their house or the Republic as a whole often overcomes any good intentions and many races find them exasperating to negotiate with. Centauri who have traveled from the future nurse a deep hatred for the Narns, a race they will enslave in less then a hundred years from now.

Centauri Systems:

Though the Centauri Republic is not the size it once was, it still possesses incredible power and they remain one of the major races of the galaxy. In terms of star systems held, the Republic is comparable to the System's Alliance, but its colonies tend to be far better developed due to their age – the Centauri ruled countless worlds while Humanity was still trapped on Earth.

Centauri Beliefs:

There are 50 gods within the Centauri pantheon and some of them are previous emperors of the Republic. Few actively believe in their existence, however, and worship is generally relegated to brief observances during matters of state and a good excuse for drinking and debauchery during regular religious festivals.


It is said by the Centauri that their language is one of the most comprehensive to be found throughout the galaxy and that it is only with their tongue that beauty in literature, opera and song be truly appreciated. The opinions of other races may vary but it is certain that many gifted Centauri poets and writers have put the language to good use in the past.


Only when they are among friends or family do Centauri regularly use their first names. For most purposes, they use the name of their house, a readily identifiable tag in Centauri society, where each house has a long history stretching back centuries. By announcing their house, any other Centauri will likely know their position, status and current ascendancy within the Republic. Any title possessed by the Centauri (such as Lord, Lady, Duke or Emperor) will be used as a prefix to the house name whenever possible, in order to further impress upon anyone meeting the Centauri his true position.


The life of most Centauri is one of duty – to themselves, their noble houses and the Republic, usually in that order.

They delight in scheming and politicking, and Centauri society provides rich opportunities for both. Names, ranks and titles are everything to a Centauri and most belong to one of the great noble houses that have existed since the dawn of the Republic.

Those without such standing are often sold as slaves among the nobles though a few find their way into the stars. Tradition features greatly in the life of a Centauri and they will observe all religious or political forms and functions with reverence, believing that their sense of history is what gives the Republic its great strength.

Physical Description:

Centauri look very similar to Humans and, indeed, their appearance allowed them to convince those on Earth that the two races were cousins until Centauri DNA was actually analyzed. Male Centauri are noted for their crowns of hair which are grown in accordance to the rank and position each individual holds in society – the higher a male’s status, the larger his crown of hair. Female Centauri traditionally shave their heads, ostensibly to demonstrate they rise above political differences, though this is anything but the truth. Male Centauri have six short but manipulative tentacles around their abdomens, though they are always kept out of sight and few members of other races who have seen them guess their purpose.

Being extremely conscious of wealth, status and rank, all Centauri take great pains to present themselves in the best light possible and so most have extensive wardrobes, with fine fitting clothes for all occasions.

Male Names:

Andilo, Carn, Kiro, Kiron, Londo, Luc, Urza, Vir.

Female Names:

Adira, Aria, Daggair, Ladira, Lyssa, Mariel, Senna, Timov.

House Names:

Cotto, Jaddo, Janno, Lotoru, Malachi, Maray, Mollari, Refa, Ritan, Syma, Tensus, Torr, Turhan, Tyree, Ultan, Varia.


Many Centauri are glory-seekers, trapped by a wish to return to the good old days when their fleets stretched across the galaxy and their iron hand gripped many star systems. They tend to be great gamblers, both with their wealth and their lives, and many will gladly risk death for gains that may seem incomprehensible to other races. Places such as Babylon 5 offer a quick-witted Centauri many opportunities to further the position of his house back on his homeworld and thus his own status.

Centauri Racial Traits

Wound Die type: 1d10 Racial Control modifier +2

-2 Constitution, –2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma

As a race, Centauri tend to be self-destructive and rash but are skilled at politicking and influencing others.

Medical Classification: Group II (humanoid)

All Centauri are of Medium size.

Centauri have a base speed of 30 feet.

Born To Intrigue:

Centauri are raised to the play the political games of their families

and so gain a +2 bonus to all Bluff checks and is always class skills for Centauri characters.

Generations of complex politicking and court intrigue have left their mark on all Centauri.

At 1st level, a Centauri may choose any One of each of the following

Skills: Intimidate, Sense Motive or Gamble

The selected skill will always be regarded as class skills, regardless of the class chosen by the Centauri.

Party Abilities: Etiquette or Financing

Centauri gain a +1 party ability point and +1 Party ability slot for the Chosen ability.

Lion's Excess

Centauri are noted for their personal excesses, especially of food, drink and entertainment.

This, in turn, has given then a great resistance against over-consumption.

There is little that can be done to a Centauri that they have not already done to themselves.

Scaling Fortitude save bonus

This Fortitude Boon Scales, and is increased by +1 every 12 levels

(+1 at level 1, +2 at level 12 +3 at level 24, +4 at level 36 +5 at level 48 and +6 at level 60).

H'Riak Heritage

H'Riak Biota are Non-hostile to Centauri as a result of their Genetics,

however Empiants are overly Hostile to H'riak based lifeforms.

The Centauri are the successful product of the Ancient H'riak's Seeding program, they used to be highly xenophobic, to the point of annihilating the other sentient race (the Xon) on their homeworld, tampering by the vorlons allowed them to be psionic and reduced their xenophobia to an extent but as future events possibly come to pass they may invade the Narn homeworld as they did in historical documents from the future.

Racial Feats:

Prehensile Tentacles (Centauri)

A few male Centauri take the time and patience to learn how to grasp small objects with their tentacle-like appendages. This takes a great deal of practice to be of any practical use beyond sexual activity but some Centauri find great value in having additional manipulative organs.

Prerequisite: Must be male.

Benefit: By loosening your clothes, you can extend the two primary tentacles from your torso, up to a range of 5 feet. They can be used to grip or stick to small objects of up to one pound in weight. Fine manipulation of the object (such as pulling the trigger of a small weapon) is not possible but you can, for example, flick switches or pull objects closer to you. When using these tentacles, you gain a +2 bonus to Subterfuge checks when using sleight of hand. You also gain a +4 bonus to any checks during sex with a female Centauri…

Noble Birth (Centauri)

Born into a good family, you have known little other than privilege and responsibility in your life.

Prerequisite: This feat must be selected at 1st character level.

Benefit: You bear a minor noble rank – nothing fancy but one that can certainly benefit you through life. Just being of recognisable noble birth grants a +1 bonus to all Charisma based checks made when dealing with other Centauri. In addition, you gain 1d4 Influence (Centauri Royal Court).

Vision of Death (Centauri)

You have foreseen your own death in a psychic dream and so have a measure of protection from fate.

Benefit: You may re-roll one skill check, stabilisation percentage roll or saving throw per day

DM-RP: 12

Greater Paragon (2 RP)

Somewhat Spiritual: 2 RP

Bluff Skill: 2 RP

2 Class skills: 2 RP

Augmented Fortitude(scaling) 4 RP

H'riak Heritage RP: 0