
+2 Any [Human Stat buff]

Wound Die Type 1d12
Racial Control Modifiers: -2

Medical Class: Group X-c2

Cosmetically Flexible: Cast have little restriction on Eye or hair color.

<- Type 1 Military Eye and body glows changeable

<- Type 2 Entertainer Hair is fiber-optic like and the glow color and intensity can be changed.

CASTs are Bio-Mechanoids [The Fluid Blending of Circuit and tissue; Steel and Bone]

The original CASTs were once Humans or Newmans who were effectively "dismantled" and had the majority of their body mass Converted with advanced palman bionics. The Primary reason other then getting around the Ban on AI development was an alternative body for those with enormous Control aptitude.

Due to the sheer randomness of Control aptitude in 1st Generation ARKS, those whose aptitude exceeded the limits of their Biological Components, such as Regius and Maria, were transformed into CASTs.

Humanoids may undergo a procedure to become a CAST, sacrificing a large majority of their original bodies in place of a CAST body. Because they still have a small portion of organic matter, they can reproduce with other races by having their DNA extracted from their remaining living tissue and artificially combined with the DNA of another person.

This Organic tissue still leaves them vulnerable to status effects such as Poison.

All Memory Files are usually lost during this transformation process, however other Palman Solar systems such as Gurhal possess rare technology to retain memories Such as in the case of Chelsea Enchante. However, the conversion process is not perfect, and handily explains why a lot of CASTs in ARKS have personality quirks.

The ARKS have even been known to forcefully "recruit" talented subjects by converting them into Casts.

Due to their Biological Origins and components most CASTs consider the term Artilect and android an offensive term to the CASTs and has been replaced by humanoid.

Scaling Energy Weapon Overcharge Bonus:

CASTs link with Energy weapons [Ranged & Melee] in their possession strengthening them by +1 damage dice per 10 levels.

Total Defense Nanorepair

Casts who enter total defense stance and stay within the same square will begin to draw phonons from the enviroment to operate self repair nanites.

Benefit: Fast Wound Regeneration 1 per 8 levels.

Dungeon Master Race-point guide: 12

Ability Scores: Minor Flexibility 1 RP

Attributes: Nonspiritual: -1 Chakra -1 RP

Cosmetically Flexible: 0 RP

Scaling Energy: 4 RP

Scaling Fast heal: 8 RP [-2 RP restriction,+6RP Fast regen cost +4RP Scaling cost]

[hybrid rules MAY be deemed incompatible for this race]