
Cardassians are native to a Class M planet called Cardassia Prime. They have pale brown snakelike skin and they are very cunning.
Cardassians have light gray skin with two curved ridges on their foreheads. They have two vertical ridges on each side of their necks starting around their shoulders and ending at their head. They have an inverted teardrop shaped ridge in the center of their forehead. Oftentimes the female's teardrop has a slight blue tint. The female's ridges are typically less pronounced than the male's.
Cardassians are very intelligent and they always seem to have an alternator motive. They have an extreme loyalty to family. Many people do not like Cardassians, they often play ignorant in order to when in reality, it is extremely rare for them to not have considered every possibility and contingency for a specific situation.
Cardassians are typically considered on the Path of Ascendancy (Lawful Evil) with the values of Power and Security. Their loyalty to their families as well as their government is what makes them Lawful. Not all Cardassians are Evil, though as a society, they are due their desire to help only themselves rather than look for the good of society. Cardassians have no national organized religion, in fact, they find most religions as fantasies of unintelligent people.
Cardassians speak the language "Cardassian" and common. Any spacefaring Cardassian may choose to know Bajoran or Trill as a bonus language at first level as they are relatively close to Cardassian space.
Female Names:Silara, Illiana, Zorana, Mila Male Names: Lukin, Luce, Fargan, Bronar
Adventurers: Cardassians as adventurers have a difficult time trusting anyone who is not Cardassian. Even among their own people, trust is not always freely given. It is difficult for a Cardassian to take orders from any other species, however the more scientific Cardassians are typically not as rigidly narrow minded in their outlook

Racial Traits

+2 Intelligence+2 Charisma

Cardassians are slyly charming and very intelligent

1d10 Wound Die +0 Control Modifier

Medical Classification: Group V-a (warm-blooded)

Medium size: Cardassians have no bonuses or penalties based on size.
Base land speed: 30 feet

Mental Training

+1 species bonus on Sense Motive and Auto-hypnosis checks.All Cardassians receive intense mental training during childhood.

Scaling Fortitude save bonus

This Fortitude Boon Scales, and is increased by +1 every 12 levels(+1 at lv 1, +2 at lv 12 +3 at lv 24, +4 at lv 36 +5 at lv 48 and +6 at lv 60).Cardassians’ thick skin and tough bodies allow them to tolerate pain better than other species.


+4 Skill points at level 1 and +1 skill points per level thereafterCardassians Possess a Diverse skill set similar to humans due to training.

DM-RP: 12 RP

Attributes: Normal

Ability Scores: Flexible +2 RP

Augmented Fortitude (scaling) 4 RP

Skilled (4 RP)

Skill Boon: +2 RP