
Bajoran history goes back 30,000 years (making it one of the oldest known civilizations) and is divided in at least four ages During their early history, the Bajora ethnic group dominated the other nations on Bajor on a cultural and economic basis. Because of this, the Bajoran people sometimes refer to themselves as the Bajora. One of the earliest known governments that the Bajoran people had formed was the Old Bajoran Republic. During this time, the Bajorans encountered and battle the non-humanoid species known as the Vorel. During this age, the Old Bajoran Republic stretched as far as the Tarvo system.


The Bajoran species are similar in appearance to most Humanoids in terms of average height, weight as well as build. Their skin color as well as hair and eye color variations match those of Humans. The most distinctive feature among the Bajoran people are their nose ridges which is the only notable physical feature that is noted in their appearance. The males also have ridges on their reproductive organs. There are limited number of Bajorans who do not have the nose ridges. The Dabo girl M'Pella is an example of this.
The Bajoran heart internal arrangement was on a horizontal axis. A puncturing of the lower ventricle would led to instant death.


The Bajoran race are a pastoral people who lived simple farmer lives while others sought artistic pursuits from folk art to music or story telling. Such pursuits help derive personal satisfaction by such actions. The species have had little interest in the rest of the Galaxy as they focused on being contemplative as they were quite an introverted people despite 30,000 years of history. In all that time, there has been very little development within their culture, remaining almost static for centuries. The typical Bajoran simply wanted to go about their business in peace and expected the same from others. They are indifferent towards alien species, neither liking nor disliking them but remaining friendly to them


Bajorans are a highly religious people with their faith revolving around the dimensional entities that occupy the Celestial Temple, known a the Bajoran wormhole to others, who are known as the Prophets. The alien race were considered gods by the people of Bajor and believed that they watched over them as well as communicated to them through prophecies that were determined through comets and the eight mysterious Tears of the Prophets. Scientists would state that the Prophets were simply alien entities that resided within a wormhole, however, such a scientific approach has little affect on the bulk of Bajoran society.
This meant that Bajoran religion engulfed their entire society with even those that rejected the faith being able to quote from the Sacred Texts. In addition to this, most Bajorans believe that they possess a lifeforce known as a Pagh with some believing that those who follow the paths dictated in the Texts will possess pure pagh. In contrast, those who turn away from the Prophets and live selfish lives have their pagh become dark as well as corrupt. Its known that some Bajoran mystics are capable of sensing the pagh of a person by close contact with the person.
Certain fringe groups began to develop such as the Ohalavaru who did not believe that the Prophets were not gods but in fact aliens who served as teachers. This group would be considered heretics by the majority of orthodox Bajoran believers.
Even more heretical groups consisted of the Cult of the Pah-wraiths who were considered followers of evil gods that would destroy Bajor. These followers themselves were divided in their worship between the Pah-wraiths of Jalbador and the Pah-wraiths of the Fire Caves.

Racial Traits

Wound Die type 1d10 Chakra Points +3
+2 Constitution, +2 to another Ability Score.
Medical Classification: Group I-a (near-human)
Medium-size: As Medium-size creatures Bajorans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Bajorans base speed is 30 feet.
Craftsmen:+2 species bonus to Craft skill checks. Bajorans are generally artistic, and even average citizens practice some form of artistic expression as a hobby, Choose one material native to bajor, you gain mining skill bonuses with that material)
Uniquely Religious:+2 species bonus to Knowledge (religion) skill checks. Religion permeates Bajoran society as every child learns to respect the prophets. Even those who reject the Prophets can cite quotes from the Sacred Texts and know the proper rituals.
Blessing of the Gods:+1 racial bonus to all saving throws. All Bajorans possess a pagh-roughly speaking a “soul,” though the term also refers to an individuals courage or “life force.” If a Bajoran heeds the word and will of the Prophets and lives his life properly, the Prophets support and replenish his pagh, and remains strong and pure. If he turns away from the Prophets (for example, to worship the evil Pah-wraiths) or acts evilly, his pagh becomes dark and corrupt.
If a Bajoran rejects the Prophets he loses this bonus entirely until he atones for his betrayal, Bajorans who follow the pah'wraiths gain +1 to attack and +1 to Damage with Melee weapons instead of +1 to saving throws.
Sensitive Nose: Bajorans have sensitive noses and gain a +2 bonus when working with chemicals. They may also take the scent ability as a feat, but few Bajorans ever take this feat.
A Bajoran Mystic or Priest within 10 feet of another person* can detect that person's pagh with a DC 15 Sense Motive skill check. If he grasps the person’s ear, reduce the DC to 10. (*even aliens have souls from the perspective of the Bajoran Religon)
DM-RP: 12
Ability Scores: Flexible 2 RPAttributes: Extremely Spiritual +3 Chakra Per level +3 RP.Craftsmen: 1 RPUniquely Religious: 2 RPBoon of the Gods: 2 RPSensitive Nose: 1 RPSense Pagh: 1 RP