
The Antareans are closely related to the Andorians, and are in Zorski Group III-b. They resemble their Andorian cousins, but over the last 100,000 years they have evolved in a different environment. Antareans have a greater variety of skin, hair colors while their eyes are typically pink in color, and their physical dexterity is slightly better and their antennae are smaller on average. The two species share more than 99.5 percent of their DNA and are capable of interbreeding, but for cultural reasons they seldom do so.

Humans are not the only species that have been “seeded” on other worlds by highly advanced precursor beings. About 100,000 years ago, primitive Andorians were taken from their homeworld and seeded here. It is unknown who did this; it may, or may not, have been the same beings who seeded humans and humanoids among the stars.

The Antareans evolved in a very different environment than the Andorians; their world is much warmer than Andor, with more plentiful food resources. This resulted in the development of some physical differences between the two species, but cultural differences are far more prominent. While Andorian culture is based on the cooperative Tyk, Antareans are much more individualistic.

Antarean culture progressed through the usual humanoid pattern of Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages. Empires rose and fell; societies grew, prospered, stagnated, and collapsed. By Y0, the Antareans had formed a planetary government and reached PL 6.

Wound Die Type: 1d12

Control Modifier: +0

Ability Score modifiers:

  • + 2 Dexterity

  • + 2 Constitution

  • - 2 Wisdom

Size: Medium
Speed: 30ft
Medical Class:
Group III-b: (copper-blood-blue)

+4 Wind and Water Resistance

-2 Fortitude saves versus poisons.

Thanks to their twin-layered circulatory system, Antareans are less vulnerable to the cold, but more vulnerable to poison, which spreads through their bodies faster.

+4 species bonus to Perception and Acrobatics Checks

Antarean antennae enhance their senses, this ability is lost if the antennae are damaged.

DM-RP: 12

Ability Scores: Normal

Attributes: Slightly More Spiritual. +1 RP

Elemental Cold Resistance +4 RP

Perception and Acrobatics Bonus +8 RP

Poison Weakness: -1RP



The Antarean Constitution promulgated by Arch-Marshall Takruta embodies a strong, centralized, but representative, form of government, with a powerful executive elected every six years by popular vote. The Chamber of Citizens, elected every three years, is the representative legislature, and serves to check the power of the presidency through control of the purse. The government structure required significant adjustment before the Antareans were eligible for Federation membership.


More similar to human society than Andorian society, the Antareans tend to be somewhat individualistic in the sense that power is perceived as residing more in the individual, not in the group. Yet at the same time, there is pressure to conform and rally behind a strong “leader” figure as the embodiment of individual virtue. Antareans would tend to identify more with Alexander Hamilton or, in extreme cases, Napoleon Bonaparte, as exemplars of political and social wisdom, rather than Thomas Jefferson. This tension between individuality and respect for the “man on horseback” seems contradictory to many humans, but makes perfect sense to the Antareans.


Dynamic and very capitalist. The social “safety net” had to be beefed up substantially to meet Federation standards, but with the economic boom that came from joining the Federation, this did not bankrupt the government.


Adjusted over time by the Takrutist Regime to accord with Federation standards, although substantial revisions in the areas of individual rights were still necessary before Antares was allowed to join the Federation.


About half of modern Antareans are atheistic or agnostic. About 40 percent are members of the various sects of the Erec faith, a monotheistic religion similar in some ways to human Abrahamic faiths or Klingon Kavarism. The Erec revere the Holy Book of Wisdom, although the most literal (and popular) interpretations of this book became untenable after First Contact. Most Erec sects eventually adapted their teachings to account for reality, although a few holdout denominations have clung to the old views. The remaining ten percent of the population adhere to smaller, non-Erec faiths or cults, or religions from off-world