
Species trait:

You are a former Borg drone, now freed from your connection to the Collective.

You retain the rigid efficiency and internal metabolism of a Borg drone, giving your systems extra efficiency in space and your body extra regeneration and resilience on the ground.

The Process of assimilation implants mechanical and biological interfaces into the body of the victim. While many races medical science is advanced, several of these are still beyond its abilities to remove without causing irreparable damage to the victim. However these additions also leave the player with

enhancements also. In the future it may be possible to remove these devices, as medical understanding increases, removing the advantages but also the unwanted side effects.

A Borg who has been assimilated for 1 month or more also has to undergo Borg regeneration, until his body can adapt to living outside of the collective, which can take as much as 3 months of rehabilitation, this scales per month per 3 months, therefore if you were in the borg collective for 20 years of your life you would likely require regeneration for another 40.

Borg Nanotubules:

The Borg use nano-technology to assimilate organisms on the cellular level, though the effects of this are removed when the Patient is de-assimilated, the Borg Nanites still remain an active part of the characters makeup. The Borg projects 2-3 biomechanical tubes from their hands known as a Nanotubule. These are capable

of injecting a victim with thousands of Nanites in a matter of seconds, rapidly changing the victim’s biology and building the initial mechanical devices in the body.

While the Character has an active Cortical Implant he can control these tubules, however if he is unconscious they can be accessed with a specific frequency,

and Borg within the 1 light-year region can attempt to access them through the Cortical Implant as an Opposed Will roll.

The Nanotubules can also be used to attempt to interface with Computer Terminals, granting the character a +12 on Computer use Checks, this bonus drops to +6 if the the collective had not encountered the race/assimilated its technology before this drone's disconnection.

In Space:

Efficency: Additional Role Power Slot on Bridge Console

+1 Ensign power if Rank 1/2 Console,

+2 Lt Power if Rank 3/4 Console,

+3 if seat is Rank 4 Universal

On Ground:

Adaptive Regeneration:

Fast healing 1

Adaptive 1


The Borg are hated and feared throughout most of the known Galaxy.

People who know you for who you are may be more forgiving, but strangers can see you for what you are and they fear you.

Liberted borg suffer Negative 8 to all social interaction rolls on top of any other penalty.

Song of the Borg:

Even after all of the hardware has been removed from your body your brain functions and chemistry have been so significantly altered that you can never entirely separate yourself from the Borg.
You can hear the subtle echoes of the Borg within a sector (20 light-years) and they can hear you. Within a light-year you can sense their presence and hear
fragments of their plans on a difficult will roll of 30+ you can hear vital information from the Borg, however the down side is that the reverse is also true of them.
The character needs to make a Willpower roll of 30 to resist the Borg reading hismind.

Cortical Implant:

Each Drone is implanted with a Cortical implant which helps to interface the Borg technology implants with Biological systems. While some of these Implants may function independently it is impossible to retain any conscious control of them without this implant.

The Cortical Implant improves the memory and mental capacity of the Drone giving it a Misc +1 on all regular intellect based skills.

The implant also contains some of the collected knowledge of the Borg.

When making intellect skill based roll in regards to the borg, this increases to +2.

Each Implant is fitted with a transponder uplink, which allows contact with the Borg. This can be interfaced with advanced technology allowing a transporter lock and instant communications. However it’s function is to allow contact with the Borg.

This lowers the willpower DC of contact with local Borg to 15 to aquire information, but also lowers your ability to resist giving over information to the Borg, raising your Will DC to 45

Genetic Manipulation:

The Collective combs through the genetic data of all the races its assimilated and applies that knowledge accordingly, combined with regulation implants and nanites all drones are improved versions of their base race.

Attribute enhancement:

+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence