
This template is in the prototyping phase

It can be encountered in-game but it's content may change at any point in time and it's deployment is currently limited to beta testing staff.


Jotun prize friendship with others and even have a special relationship with their hereditary foes. For all others they tend to have a general apathy and do not place any value on the opinion of non-giants, deeming them unworthy and inferior in the same way that humans view gnats. Jotun view gnomes as thieving rats who will cheat you at everything. While dwarves are looked upon like scavengers, forever grumbling like small clouds of depression, for what can a dwarf do that a giant cannot do more mightily? This is not say that jotun do not become friends with dwarves or gnomes, for we share much in common with a love of good craftsmanship, drinking, eating and the telling of tales. It is just that they seem to have a distrust and dislike of us and that we view their distrust and dislike with disdain, rather than hating the dwarves or gnomes themselves.
The jotun races true foes are dragons. Nothing in the entire world is as glorious an enemy to a giant, and no spectacle as great as a giant grappling with these fell serpents and no sport as enjoyable as bringing a flying wyrm crashing to the earth with a well placed boulder.

Alignment and Religion

The majority jotun are Lawful Neutral. However, those who embrace a specific aspect of their giantish nature often adopt the outlook of that lineage. For example, a jotun who embraced the aspect of storm would most likely become chaotic good in the same manner an aspect of the troll might become chaotic evil. Yet these are the standard bearers and there are always glorious rebels seeking to make their own path.
The jotun worship the gods as a pantheon, each one controlling an aspect of reality and each one worthy of the same level of devotion. Favored deities tend to be gods of feasting, drinking (wine and ale), adventure, laughter, joy, hedonism, avarice, gluttony, pride, battle, glory, and gods of the elements, and gods of the earth, sea, and sky.


Jotunnar find great joy in the lifestyle of the adventurer. The drinking, feasting, and the chance to become part of a great tale are a siren’s call to their nature. Further appeal comes from the chance of challenging oneselves from wrestling with dragons, to tossing boulders with the Titans; and consider every battle to be the greatest of sport. Many also use this as a chance to explore our elemental nature. The few that peruse a different path often choose the life of an adventurer so as to avoid the stigma of giantish society.


Outside of formal introductions between giants, Jotunnar only use personal names with a byname. Nicknames are common, for they are also a form of story to be told. But patronymics, more so: “son” meaning “Son of” or “dottir” meaning “Daughter of” are added after the genitive case of the father’s personal name for males and the mother’s personal name for females

Requirement: Human Race or appropriate subrace [or Hybrid of one of those previous]

Type: Jotunnar are humanoids with the giant subtype as they are descended from giants.

+2 racial bonus to Intimidate checks.

+2 dodge bonus to Defense against creatures of the dragon type that is increased by +1 every 10 levels

Jotun have an innate sense of how best to defend themselves against their potential enemies.

Jotun's Mythweaving (Su)

Once per day, you can tell a mythical and mystical story, it takes a minimum of 10 minutes to tell such a story, It affects one person (including yourself) per level you possess who is within the sound of your voice and grants it grants all of the following benefits. For 12 hours the persons affected recovers hit points or ability score points lost to ability damage at twice the normal rate. For 12 hours the persons affected increase their overland movement rate by 50% If you are 11th level or higher, for 12 hours the persons affected gain the benefits of a heroes’ feast.

Jotun Physiology

At first level, the Jotun gain a +1 to Strength and constitution.At 5th level, the Jotun's Constitution score gains a +1 inherent bonus. At 10th level, the Jotun's Strength score gains a +1 inherent bonus. At 15th level, gain +1 Any attribute.At 20th level, Gain +1 talent.At 25th level, the Jotun's Constitution score gains a +1 inherent bonus. At 30th level, the Jotun's Strength score gains a +1 inherent bonus. At 35th level, gain +1 Any attribute.At 40th level, Gain +1 talent.At 45st level, the Jotun's Constitution score gains a +1 inherent bonus. At 50th level, the Jotun's Strength score gains a +1 inherent bonus. At 55th level, gain +1 Any attribute.At 60th level, gain +1 Talent

Jotun Aspect Feats

Must have access to the eligible element to take the Aspect related to it. [Air, Lightning, Earth, Fire or Ice]

Aspect of Air [Cloud Giant]

You embrace your cloud giant lineage.
Fire Vulnerability (Su) -8 resistanceWind Resistance (Su) +4 resistance
Special: Giants consider you to be part of the cloud or storm giant tribes.
Levitate (Sp): You must be at least 3rd level to gain this ability. 2/day you can use levitate as a spell like ability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragon class level.
Control Weather (Sp): You must be at least 13th level to gain this ability. 2/day you can use control weather as a spell like ability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragon class level.

Aspect of Lightning [Storm Giant]

You embrace your storm giant lineage.
Wind Vulnerability (Su) -8 resistanceThunder Resistance (Su) +4 resistance
Special: Giants consider you to be part of the cloud or storm giant tribes.
Call Lightning (Sp): You must be at least 5th level to gain this ability.
1/day you can use call lightning as a spell like ability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragon class level.
Chain Lightning (Sp): You must be at least 11th level to gain this ability.
1/day you can use chain lightning as a spell like ability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragon class level.

Aspect of Earth [Hill/Stone Giant]

You embrace your hill or stone giant lineage.Thunder Vulnerability (Su) -8 resistanceEarth Resistance (Su) +4 resistanceSpecial: Giants consider you to be part of the hill or stone giant tribes.Stone Tell (Sp): You must possess be at least 11th level to gain this ability. 1/day you can use stone tell as a spell like ability, your caster level is equal to your jotun paragon class level.Stone-Touch (Su): You must be at least 5th level to gain this ability. As a spell-like ability, you may join and shape stone or mineral matter with your bare hands in a manner similar to stone shape except that fine details are possible, you can do this for a number of times per day equal to your Constitution modifier, (minimum of 1 round). With this ability, solid walls of stone can be erected, stone tools and weapons may be repaired, and stone tools and weapons may be crafted (requires appropriate craft check).

Aspect of Fire [Fire Giant]

You embrace your fire giant lineage.Water Vulnerability (Su) -8 resistanceFire Resistance (Su) +4 resistance
Special: Giants consider you to be part of the fire giant tribes.Fire in the BloodJotun gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage. (whether or not this fire damage overcomes their fire resistance, if any). Members of this race can heal up to 4 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.Fiery Militant (Ex): Gain two Weapon skill points.

Aspect of Water [Frost Giant]

You embrace your frost giant lineage.
Earth Vulnerability (Su) -8 resistanceWater Resistance (Su) +4 resistanceSpecial: Giants consider you to be part of the frost giant tribes.Arctic Regeneration (Ex): You must be at least 6th level to gain this ability. You heal damage at a rate equal to your Constitution modifier each round at the beginning of your turn. You cannot die as long as their regeneration is still functioning (although you still fall unconscious when their hit points are below 0). Fire can cause your regeneration to stop functioning on the round following the attack. During this round, you do not heal any damage and can die normally. Attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage are not healed by regeneration. Regeneration also does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation. You can regrow lost portions of your body and can reattach severed limbs or body parts if they are brought together within 1 hour of severing. Severed parts that are not reattached wither and die normally. You must be in snowy terrain or snowy weather for Arctic regeneration to function.Snow StalkerJotun descended from frost giants reduce the penalty for using Stealth while moving by 5 and can make Stealth checks while running at a –15 penalty in snowy terrain or weather.(-10 if both)

Gained After Aspect is chosen

Elemental Arc (Sp)

You must be at least 3rd level to use this ability.

As a standard action, you can unleash an arc of energy targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This arc of energy deals 1d6 points of energy damage + 1 die for every five levels you possess. This energy is the same type as you chose for your elemental power.
You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier

Elemental Aura (Su)

You must be at least 6th level to use this ability.
You can use this ability as a free action for a number of rounds equal to your level. This energy is the same type as you chose for your elemental power. You generate an energy aura in a 5′ radius that deals energy damage to any non-ally within range the amount depending on your jotun's character level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier.
Table: Elemental Aura Damage by Class LevelClass Level Energy Damage/Range Increase6th 1d412th 1d618th 1d824th 5' Range Increase30st 2d436th 2d642th 2d848th 5' Range Increase52th 3d458th 3d664th 3d8

Jotun's Bellow (Sp)

You must be at least 8th level to use this ability.
You can lose an powerful bellow as a standard action that functions like an shout spell; if you are at least 16th level this functions like a greater shout spell. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier.

Over-sized Weapon (Ex)

A jotun of 12th level or higher can wield weapons of one size category greater than normal that you are proficient with without penalty.Stacks with other sources, works with unarmed fightning.

Jotun's Laugh (Su)

You must be at least 16th level to use this ability.
As a standard action, you can unleash a bellowing laugh that strikes fear into the hearts of any non-ally within 5 feet per class level that hears it. Affected creatures that make a successful Will save (DC 10 + half your class levels + your constitution modifier) are shaken for 1 round and are immune to the Jotun's laugh for 24 hours. On a failed save, that creature is panicked for as long as it remains within 5 feet per level of you for 2d4 rounds. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier.