Fury Spawn

Elemental Templates [Limit 1]
Fury Spawn, also referred to as Genasi in other planes are the individuals that are linked to the elements of nature or morality or of advanced concepts, {such as technology} they themselves embody it in some way. All Fury Spawn:One Magic Combat Skill of your choice is always considered a class skill. Attribute Increase chart - The attribute on each Soul listed below increases slowly over time.At 1st , 5th, 10th,15th,20th, 30th,35th, 40st, 45th, 50th At 25th Level they gain a Talent slot for Elemental Resistance.This template is the anti-design to the bender template and cannot be combined.

Sun Soul

+1 Dexterity Power of the Sun (Su): treated as though they have the "Sun" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Water Soul

+1 Intelligence

Blood of Shalassa (Su): treated as though they have the "Water" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Water's Calm (Su): Water genasi can enter a meditative trance 3/times per day as a standard action, while in their trance water genasi get +4 to all rolls, on any round where a water genasi has taken damage while in his trance he must make a DC 5 + (1/2 the highest amount of damage dealt to him that round by a single attack) or exit his trance, the trance automatically ends after rounds equal to the water genasi's Wis modifier.

Order Soul

+1 Wisdom

Blood of Asha (Su): treated as though they have the "Axiomatic" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Order Mastery

Thunder Soul

+1 Dexterity

Blood of Ylath (Su): treated as though they have the "Thunder" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Yellow Flash (Su) Once per encounter as a free action a you can call upon the energies of Ylath to increases their speed, gaining a 30 ft. bonus to their land speed for one round per 5 levels. You cannot use this ability while indoors or underground.

Light Soul

+1 Charisma

Blood of Elrath (Su): treated as though they have the "Celestial" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Light Mastery

Fire Soul

+1 Strength

Blood of Arkath (Su): treated as though they have the "Fire" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Fire's Focus (Su): Fire genasi have remarkable focus, once per encounter a fire genasi can focus completely on an enemy as a free action, gaining either a bonus on attacks and damage equal to half his level on his next attack against that enemy or a +4 to the DCs of the next ability he uses during the encounter

Vivo Soul

+1 Wisdom Power of Minshara (Su): treated as though they have the "Healing" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Earth Soul

+1 Constitution

Blood of Sylanna (Su): treated as though they have the "Earth" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Earth's Endurance (Su): You have the endurance of stone, allowing them to shrug of blows with ease. Once per day you can call upon the earth's strength, granting him DR 2/Adamantine per 3 Hit Dice. This ability only functions while the you are standing on solid soil, stone or metal.

Shadow Soul

+1 Intelligence

Blood of Malassa (Su): treated as though they have the "Fel" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

*Shadow Mastery

Wind Soul

+1 Dexterity

Blood of Quetzalcoatl (Su): treated as though they have the "Air" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Wind's Guardian (Su): Once per day you can surround yourself in a wall of wind for the duration of the encounter. Any physical ranged attack attempting to target you has a (dexterity + level)% chance to be deflected by the wind. You cannot use this ability in a windless area (i.e. indoors or underground)

Chaos Soul

+1 Constitution

Blood of Urgash (Su): treated as though they have the "Anarchic" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

• Chaos Mastery

Psi Soul

+1 Cha

Gain Psychic Subtype

Gain Psionic Ascendant feat for free

Same as Psionic Entity except Control is +10.

Psionic Second chance: After a Psi Soul character rolls their Psi check, the DM may follow up with a second check, the player may choose between them.

Ecto Soul

+1 Wisdom Power of the Namtaru (Su): treated as though they have the "Necro" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Tech Soul

+1 Intelligence

Gain Tech subtype

Gain Cybermind Feat for free [P0]

Same as Force-sensitive except control is +10.

  • All class prerequisites for Technomancer are bypassed by Cybermind.

Moon Soul

+1 Wisdom Power of the Moon (Su): treated as though they have the "Moon" subtype for the purposes of spells and feats.

Ice Soul

+1 Strength

Subtype: Characters with this template have the Ice/Cold subtype along with any others they may possess

Affinity lock: Ice soul characters must have Ice access at creation

Planetary adaptation Overclock

Double the numerical values of any Planetary adaption from Cold themed environs that you possess.

Twilight Soul

  • +1 To random Attribute [shifting]


+1 to Random attribute [static]

  • Affinity lock

Twilight soul characters cannot choose an elemental affinity at game start and must pay for Yin and Yang unlocks at creation.

Dual Affinity - Gain Affinity status for both Yin and Yang, Exceeding the standard Affinity limit of 1.

Class restrictions lightened for Scholar, Can combine Light/Dark opposite classes/templates together without restriction

Ygg Soul [Limited]

+1 Constitution

Subtype: Creatures with this template are in possession of the mycelial subtype along with any others they may possess

Gain a Power slot with 'Exit Stage Left' Nei ability which has an automatic activation time of 'incapacitation.'

[DMs may choose to deny requests for this soul unless it fits into the appropriate theme of an entity that may exist within the metaphysical branches of Yggdrasil]