
One of your ancestors was a fey creature. Fey sometimes take humanoid mates but it is rare that an offspring will result. Fey-blooded characters vary greatly in appearance but most have some odd feature that marks them, such as a strange eye or hair color. (naturally occurring mono-colored hair(bright blue, Emerald green, ruby red, etc), rainbow, ,bicolor,tricolor.. etc)
The heirs of dryads are often quite shy but they possess quick minds and an earthy beauty. Grig-blooded characters are mischievous and lighthearted, while those with pixie blood are prone to take their pranks too far. Characters with nixie blood are suspicious beings who tend to avoid strangers but remain fiercely loyal to places or persons they love.
Magic users with fey blood often have changing, fickle natures. They are quick to laugh and play tricks, but slow to forgive or forget slights. They adventure primarily out of a sense of alienation, seeking some place or group to which they can belong. They are fond of spells that deceive and manipulate emotions, such as charm person.
Personality:Creatures of passion and moment, fey-kissed delight in the now.
Adventurers: Fey-kissed adventure for a variety of motivations including indulging curiosity, acquiring treasure, and enhancing their power or prestige. They tend to be charming and beautiful, skilled in genjutsu usually but rarely built for combat, there are always exceptions.
Creating a Fey-kissed“Fey-kissed” is an inherited template that can be added to most standard humanoids (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). The creature’s type changes to “fey.” It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
All Fey-kissed have: Access to one set of form Feats and they can Take hte Intellect and Spirit feats regardless of which form they have chosen, they also get:

Fey Blood:

For all effects related to race, a fey-kissed is considered a fey.Fey-kissed are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect fey as their fey ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are useable by fey.

Universal Appeal (Ex):

Fey-kissed do not suffer any penalty to Charisma when interacting with creatures of a different species.
Low-Light Vision: Aasimar can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Medical classification changes to Group II-b (hybrids) if it was originally group I or II if it was III or higher it remains it's previous category.

Fae Physiology Feats

Nymph Physiology

Fey-kissed - Nymph Descendants (Female Only)

Since the beginning of time, humans have always felt an allure towards the amazingly beautiful nymphs of the wilderness. On occasion, the nymph reciprocates the attraction, and inevitably as a result, half-nymphs are created. The child of a nymph and a human brings together the dangerous combination of the nymph's appearance and body, and the human's versatility and mind.

All half-nymph characters have nymph mothers, this of course being because there are no male nymphs.Half-nymphs are born as female.

Water's Echo (Ex):

Nymph Descendants retain Strong ties to various bodies of water. If they enter a zone where the water is "poisoned" somehow (by chemical leaks, drought, lingering magical effects, etc.), they must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be sickened until they leave the zone.

Hydrated Vitality

Nymph descendants gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they submerge completely within a body of natural salt water, fresh water, or brackish water. Stagnant, poisoned, or trapped water (such as water within an artificial pit or a bag of holding) does not activate this ability. Members of this race can heal up to 2 hit points per level per day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.

Amphibious : Can breathe both water and Air regardless of Nymph type.
At 5th level, Nymph's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 10th level, +1 Charisma +1 IntelligenceAt 15th level, Nymph's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to Defense
At 20th level, +1 Charisma +1 IntelligenceAt 25th level, Nymph's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 30th level, +1 Charisma +1 Intelligence
At 35th level, Nymph's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 40th level, +1 Charisma +1 IntelligenceAt 45th level, Nymph's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to Defense
At 50th level, +1 Charisma +1 IntelligenceAt 55th level, Nymph's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 60th level, +1 Charisma +1 Intelligence
At 65th level Nymph's Grace is a total of +7 to Fort,Reflex,Will | +7 Defenseor if Charisma modifier is above 7 then use Charisma modifier instead.If charisma is drained below a modifier of 7 then use the abilitie's modifier instead.

Small Folk Physiology

Fey-Kissed - Smallfolk Descendants - Pixies, Nixies, Sprites, Grig

On occasion, Fae will reproduce with one of the mortal races, and inevitably as a result, Smallfolk descendant is created. The child of a Fae and a mortal combine together the dangerous combination of the Stature and body shifting, and the mortal mindset and some of their special qualities.

Dauntless (Su):

Even though they might suffer from fear,they will never show it outright. They need never flee in the face of fear-based attacks but receive normal morale penalties.

Reduce Racial Hit-dice by one step

d12 becomes d10, d10 to d8, d8 to d6, d6 to d4.

Size Shifting (Ex):

The fae you interact with on a regular basis are actually transformed into a Medium sized state, Smallfolk interacting with the mortal world change their size to medium, in their natural state they are classified as a Diminutive Sized Creature, while in their Diminutive state they can only engage in sex and combat with other smallfolk.

Fae can size shift as a free action, size shifting costs 0 Chakra for a Fae. In medium size state their wings cannot support their weight, however in their Natural state they can fly, Fae can use their size shifting to break out of containment,(like a glass bottle) but only if their strength score exceeds the hardness of the material by 3 points.


Diminutive: Speed 15 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect)

Medium: Speed 30 ft, fly: none

At 5th level, +2 DexterityAt 15th level, +2 DexterityAt 25th level, +2 DexterityAt 35th level, +2 DexterityAt 45th level, +2 DexterityAt 55th level, +2 Dexterity

Racial Genetic Defect(Optional)

Gain 6 SP - Ineffective Size Shifting

Your ability to size shift is hindered when transformed you appear as a small sized creature(Halfling sized) instead of a medium one(human sized), If trapped in Containment your strength needs to be 5 points above the hardness of the material to escape.

Dryad Physiology

Voice of the Earth (Ex):

Dryad Descendants retain Strong ties to the forest. If they enter a zone where the ground is "poisoned" somehow (by chemical leaks, drought, lingering magical effects, etc.), they must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be sickened until they leave the zone.

Rooting (Ex):

As a move action, you can extend roots into the ground. Your speed is reduced to 5 feet, but you gain a +4 bonus to armor damage reduction and a +10 bonus to CMD against bull rush, overrun, reposition, and trip maneuvers. You also gain tremorsense 30 feet and fast healing 1. You can use this power for a number of minutes per day equal to your level. This duration need not be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

Darkvision 60 feet

At 5th level, Dryad's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 10th level, +1 Charisma +1 WisdomAt 15th level, Dryad's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to Defense
At 20th level, +1 Charisma +1 WisdomAt 25th level, Dryad's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 30th level, +1 Charisma +1 Wisdom
At 35th level, Dryad's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 40th level, +1 Charisma +1 WisdomAt 45th level, Dryad's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to Defense
At 50th level, +1 Charisma +1 WisdomAt 55th level, Dryad's Grace +1 to Saving throws & +1 to DefenseAt 60th level, +1 Charisma +1 Wisdom
At 65th level Dryad's Grace's is a total of +7 to Fort,Reflex,Will | +7 Defenseor if Charisma modifier is above 7 then use Charisma modifier instead.If charisma is drained below a modifier of 7 then use the abilitie's modifier instead.

Satyr Physiology

Fey-Kissed - Satyr and Grogan Descendants (Male Only)

Half-Satyrs inherit the hedonistic nature of their satyr parents. They are fun loving, pleasure seeking, and often driven by deep emotion and wanderlust. Half-satyrs are rarely raised by both parents, and Satyrs will often abandon the child early on in pursuit of other pleasures. Those half-satyrs who remained in the woodland homes of their satyr parents are at best free-spirited lovers of nature, much like any satyr. At worst they can be brutal savages. Those raised by their human parent are much more civilized, though often feel disconnected from human society, or may be outcast, distrusted, or feared for their unnatural appearance.
+10 Feet to Land speed
Bonus Feat: Alertness
At 5th level, Craft Party ability slot & +1 Craft party ability pointAt 10th level, +1 Charisma +1 StrengthAt 15th level, Craft Party ability slot & +1 Craft party ability point
At 20th level, +1 Charisma +1 StrengthAt 25th level, Craft Party ability slot & +1 Craft party ability pointAt 30th level, +1 Charisma +1 Strength
At 35th level, Craft Party ability slot & +1 Craft party ability pointAt 40th level, +1 Charisma +1 StrengthAt 45th level, Craft Party ability slot & +1 Craft party ability point
At 50th level, +1 Charisma +1 StrengthAt 55th level, Craft Party ability slot & +1 Craft party ability pointAt 60th level, +1 Charisma +1 Strength

Yaksha Physiology

Fey-Kissed - Yaksha Descendants

A yaksha is the Mortal Descendant of Rare clan who's interbreeding between a fae and rakshasa sometime in the distant past created this unique bloodline.

The yaksha’s inhuman parentage is obvious in its face, which is marked by a feral cast. Wide eyes with vertical pupils, unusual skin coloration, striped hair, and even rudimentary fangs are not uncommon. Roughly 20 percent of them have the backward palms of their rakshasa parents.

Some yakshas look like monsters, but often these features combine to give it an exotic and dangerous appearance, especially when coupled with the yaksha’s natural charisma. If accepted into mortal society, they often find themselves drawn into the roles their rakshasa parents play, participating in intrigue and games of power


Yaksha who learn the Transformation technique are able to change shape at will altering their physical form as the Transformation Technique except without the drawbacks.

A Yaksha is able to replicate all aspects of his subject including fingerprints and retina, Control signature, blood type, DNA and the subject's voice well enough to fool any forensic equipment.

Darkvision 60 Feet

At 5th level, +2 Any AttributeAt 10th level, +2 Light & Dark ResistAt 15th level, +2 Any [Can't stack with previous]At 20th level, +2 to a Basic Element resistAt 25th level, +2 Any [Can't stack with previous]At 30th level, +2 to a Basic Element resist [Can't stack with previous]At 35th level, +2 Any [Can't stack with previous]At 40th level, +2 to a Basic Element resist [Can't stack with previous]At 45th level, +2 Any [Can't stack with previous]At 50th level, +2 to a Basic Element resist [Can't stack with previous]At 55th level, +2 Any [Can't stack with previous]At 60th level, +2 to a Basic Element resist [Can't stack with previous]
End result +2 to all basic elements +2 to Light and Darkness+2 to all six attributes

Muse Physiology

Fey-Kissed - Muse Descendants

Within the ethereal plane is a region known as the Plane of Dreams or the Demiplane of Dreams. This region is touched by the dreams and nightmares of sentients and can be a place of fancy and wonder or terror and despair. The inhabitants of this realm can guide the direction of dreams, or even fabricate a dream or nightmare whole cloth. The legacy of the muse began in this way.

Muses originated from the dreams of Celestials with an interest in the Fae. Once divinely inspired, the muses became prolific, and were common in the world of dream. However, while the muses provided a positive inspiration on the Plane of Dreams, there are other less benevolent forces active there. Sometimes in order to oppose those who would squelch the spark of inspiration provided by the muse, it is necessary for a muse to leave the Plane of Dreams and enter the material planes. When a muse leaves the Plane of Dreams and takes a mortal and substantial form, they lose the ability to inspire dreams directly, however they can still work to inspire dreams of beauty and progress indirectly, during these incursions into the material plane is a chance that a muse will interbreed with a mortal, creating a Muse Descendant.

Muses are beings that stimulate the creation of objects; it is against their nature to destroy unique items (including people). It is possible for them to overcome this with a Will roll, but they have to beat a DC 22.

Unearthly Presence:

When your hit point total is equal to or greater than half of your maximum hit point total, you gain a +1 morale bonus to Defense and all saving throws against attacks made by creatures in squares immediately adjacent to you.

Source of Inspiration:

You grant allies within 60 feet of you a +1 competence bonus to all skill checks that involve skills that you have 5 or more ranks in. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 more ranks you have in past 5.

Touch of the Muse:

Once per day, as an immediate action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, you may grant one adjacent ally a chance to reroll any one saving throw, attack roll, or skill check and take the second roll. This effect happens immediately after the first roll was attempted. The target must take the second result, even if it is worse.

Gaseous Form (Su)

As a standard action, a Muse can assume gaseous form at will as the spell (caster level 5th), but it can remain gaseous indefinitely and has a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability.

At 5th level, +2 Mental Attribute, Each one can only be taken Twice.At 15th level, +2 Mental Attribute, Each one can only be taken Twice.At 25th level, +2 Mental Attribute, Each one can only be taken Twice.At 35th level, +2 Mental Attribute, Each one can only be taken Twice.At 45th level, +2 Mental Attribute, Each one can only be taken Twice.At 55th level, +2 Mental Attribute, Each one can only be taken Twice.
End result - +4 INT +4 WIS +4 CHA

Gained After Physiology feat is chosen

Fae have damage reduction based on their level

1-13 1/Mithrite

14-27 2/Mithrite

28-41 4/Mithrite

42-50 6/Mithrite

+2 Resistance to paralysis effects that is increased by +1 every 10 levels

Perform is always a class skill, plus a +1 racial bonus on Perform checks & it Scales, and is increased by +1 every 12 levels

(+1 at level 1, +2 at level 12 +3 at level 24, +4 at level 36 +5 at level 48 and +6 at level 60).

Fascinate (Sp):

Once per day, a fey-kissed character with at least 5 levels and 8 or more ranks in a Perform skill can fascinate.

This ability duplicates the effects of the bardic music ability