Drakken's Dream

Legacy of Dragonkind

Creating a DrakkenA “Drakken” is an inherited template that can be added to most standard humanoids (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”). It uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here
Humanoid (dragonblood):Dragonborn are humanoids with the dragonblood subtype and any other subtypes they had before undergoing the Rite of Rebirth. For all effects related to race, a dragonborn is considered a dragon and a member of her original race.
Age:After a dragonborn underoes the Rite of Rebirth, she emerges as an adult creature regardless of her previous age. If she lives for 200 years, she enters middle age.
Type, Subtype, and Race:You retain your original type and subtypes, gaining the dragonblood subtype. You still count as a member of your original race for the purpose of any effect or prerequisite that depends on race.
ReligionWhile created by one of the dragon gods to help augment their dying population they are not actually required to worship their patron dragon and it is rarely expected for them to do so unless they were created for a specific purpose other then population supplementation, most dragons hope their creations would worshp the higher gods in hopes they can curry favor with them but some Drakken avoid religon altogether and seek other paths in life.
The Mechanics of Birth/RebirthSometimes and more frequently with the decline of the draconic population dragonborn were oncea member of another species, a supplicant loses many racial traits and gains those of the dragonborn.The following information describes how to mechanically achieve this transformation.

*Sometimes a Dream can be a nightmare instead, while the drakken's breath weapon does not change, scale color is one thing that can be incorrect.

Basically you could be Dream of Sylanna the earth dragon but have purple scales instead of brown or copper,

the nightmare the dragon was having likely involved the dragon that purple belongs to Malassa.

* Transfering a character from another realm which is already of similar nature can waive the ingame requirement to do the ritual

[essentially starting as a drakken at level 1 ]

Type: Drakken are humanoids with the dragon subtype as well as the dream subtype.
Immunity to Frightful Presence: Drakken are immune to the frightful presence ability of dragonskind.
Low-Light Vision: Drakken can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
+2 Charisma or +1 Perk Point
Dragon's Soul - Can use spells with the Restricted 'Shout' descriptor
Medical classification changes to Group V-c (flyers) unless it is above group V.

Dragon Physiology

At 5th level, +1 Perk Point

At 10th level, +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence

At 15th level, +1 Perk Point

At 20th level, +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom

At 25th level, +1 Perk Point

At 30th level, +1 Constitution, +1 Charisma

At 35th level, +1 Perk Point

At 40th level, +1 Strength, +1 Intelligence or +1 Perk Point

At 45th level,+1 Perk Point

At 50th level, +1 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom or +1 Perk Point

At 55th level, +1 Perk Point

At 60th level, +1 Constitution, +1 Charisma or +1 Perk Point

Dream Feats

Quetzalcoatl's Dream of Wind

Wind Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Wind Mastery

Can learn Wind Primal spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Wind spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: Green, EmeraldBreath Weapon Element: Wind

Elrath's Dream of Light

Light Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Light Mastery

Can learn Light Control spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Light spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: White, SilverBreath Weapon Element: Light

Sylanna's Dream of Earth

Earth Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Earth Mastery

Can learn Earth Primal spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Earth spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: Brown, CopperBreath Weapon Element: Earth

Malassa's Dream of Shadow

Dark Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Dark Mastery

Can learn Dark Control spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Dark spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: Purple, ObsidianBreath Weapon Element: Dark

Shalassa's Dream of Water

Water Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Water Mastery

Can learn water primal spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Water spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: Blue, BronzeBreath Weapon Element: Water

Gozreh's Dream of the Fae

+1 Fire, +1 Water, +1 Electricity, +1 Earth, +1 Wind Resistance

Manipulative Mastery

Can learn Manipulative spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Manipulative spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage or DCs if non damaging.

Scale Colors: Rainbow hueBreath Weapon Element: Depends on elemental access. Can be any of the basic 5 or Light/dark]

Ylath's Dream of Lightning

Thunder Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Thunder Mastery

Can learn Thunder Primal spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Thunder spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: Yellow, GoldBreath Weapon Element: Electricity

Sheogorath's Dream of Madness

+5 to light, dark, fire, water, wind, earth or electricity chosen at random
Has one of the 7 masteries chosen at randomLight, Dark, Fire, water, wind, earth or electricity
Scale Colors: Usually two conflicting colorsBreath Weapon Element: Can be any of the basic 5 or Light/dark] but chosen at random when used.

Arkath's Dream of Fire

Fire Resistance (Su) +5 resistance

Fire Mastery

Can learn Fire Primal spells 1 rank higher then their character level, Fire spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage.

Scale Colors: Red, BrassBreath Weapon Element: Fire

Asha's Dream of Death

+2 to Earth, Wind, thunder, Water Resistance. +5 to Dark Resistance -4 to Fire & Light Resistance

Kokuma Mastery

Can learn Necromancy [Energy] Control spells 1 rank higher then their character level. Necromancy spells gain an additional +1 to Hit and Damage or DCs if non damaging.

Scale Colors: bone like material/appearanceBreath Weapon Element: Ectoplasm

Dream Perks

Drakken are even more varied then other templates. Wings, claws, tails, scales. These things can vary from dream to dream.
Scales DR 1/- due to a patchwork of scales across the skin. Can be increased by +1 by taking the perk multiple times.
Sharpened nails - adds claw attack, or increase the dice one step.
Tail - usable for various tasks - Tail slam attack 1d6. +2 to balance checks -2 to balance if destroyed. taking multiple times increases damage dice and Balance bonus. If taken 2 times prehensile enough to grab small items. If 4 can act as a limb that can support some weapons.
Wings - When first taken: Drakken Have a fly speed of 30 feet with Clumsy maneuverability. When taken again: Gain +10 Feet Flight or +1 Maneuverability level
Breath Weapon Overcharge - Increase the Dice one step on Dragon's heart. Prerequisite: Dream feat.

Gained After Dream feat is chosen

+1 Resistance to paralysis and magic sleep effects that is increased by +1 every 10 levels

+2 dodge bonus to Defense against creatures of the giant type that is increased by +1 every 10 levels

Drakken have an innate sense of how best to defend themselves against their potential enemies.

+1 racial bonus on Perception checks & it Scales, and is increased by +1 every 10 levels

Dragon Heart (Su):The breath weapon is a bright, shining line that correlates with every metallic color. The line's length is 5 feet per 2 levels the dragonborn has.
The breath weapon deals 1d4 points of damage, plus an extra 1d4 points for each 3 levels the dragonborn possesses (2d4 at level 3, 3d4 at level 6, and so on). A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the dragonborn's level + her Cha modifier) halves the damage. A dragonborn can use her breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds at the cost of 4 control per dice.