Time managment


Time management - planning

About this tool

The goal of this tool is for the student to have a better idea of how he actually spends his time and what he can undertake in order to spend his time more efficiently.

How to use this tool?

Step 1 The student fills out the form 'How do you spend your time'. For the course of one week, the student tracks his activities each hour. It is important that he writes down what he actually spent his time with doing, not what he planned to do.

Step 2 The counsellor/teacher discusses the schedule with the student.

  • What do you think about your spent time this week?

  • Is there an activity that you spent more time on than you would like?

  • Is there an activity that you spent less time on than you would like?

Step 3 The student fills out the time tracker (Excel sheet). Based on the schedule he completed in step 1, he estimates the average time he spends sleeping, the average time he spend working and the average time he spends on leisure during one day. The sheet than calculates the amount of time the student still has available for studying.

Step 4 Based on the knowledge the student has gathered by now regarding the way he spends his time, he will now make a schedule of the upcoming week. He writes down the activities he plans to do and tries to follow the schedule as the week progresses.

Step 5 At the end of each day, the student writes down a short reflection. Did I execute all the activities as planned? If yes, what actions did you do to make sure you stuck to your planning? If not, what was the reason that your day didn’t go as planned? What actions could you undertake in order to stick to your planning?

Step 6 The counsellor/teacher discusses the schedule and the evaluation with the student.

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If you are interested in this tool, you could also be interested in Balance beam.