Success stories


Real-life stories - videos - motivation - goals - learning from peers

About this tool

This motivational tool provides the theoretical framework and practical guidelines to develop success stories of current and former students. These real-life stories can help current or future students to establish goals and reflect about their own perspectives on the learning process, learning objectives, chosen course, future possibilities, etc.

The tool provides a theoretical framework and practical guidelines to develop strong interviews and/or to shoot simple but professional videos.

How to use this tool?

The best way to make use of this tool is to engage the interviewee as you would do with a new personal acquaintance or friend, asking a number of questions while engaging in conversation to show that you are interested in what they have to say. It’s the person behind the facts that makes a compelling story. So the interview questions serve to dig deeper, to go beyond the facts to reveal personal struggle, conflict and victory.

First, read the document 'how to conduct the interview'. Then decide:

  • whether you will record the interview and use it as a video later or whether you will write down what your interviewee told you. The written format has the added benefit of being capable of delivering anonymous success stories.

  • what you will use this success story for (promotional goals, show it at the start of each course etc.)

Secondly, look for the right people to interview. Ask the teachers, student counsellors, students in your school whether they know a good success story you can use.

Thirdly, get in touch with your success stories. Possibly send them the questions or topics in advance, so they know how to prepare.

Finally, take the interview and use this input to create your success story!

PS: not feeling confident enough to make a video? Invite a good success story to your school or classroom and have your students ask the questions.

How did others use this tool?

AidLearn (Portugal):

(This video includes feedback on several tools, including the success stories tool.)

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