Estimated Module Completion Time: 70 minutes

Before You Begin: Take a moment to gather your thoughts and reflect on all the information you have gathered through this module. You will now have a chance to show what you have learned by completing an assessment. There are 2 tasks you will need to complete before you conclude this PLM. Good luck.

Task 1: Who says you can't have fun with assessments? You will complete a series of activities to show what you learned from this module.  

Step 1: 

Spin the PLM Wheel below. The standard that is selected will be the standard you will use to complete your assessment activities. Standards are listed below the wheel. For example, if the wheel lands on Standard B, you will find Standard B below the wheel. Standard B will be used for your assessment. 

Step 2: 

Using your selected standard, complete the activities in the PLM Menu. You must choose a Starter, Main Course, and Dessert from the menu. 

Step 3: 

Add your responses from the PLM Menu to the bottom of the HyperDoc. When you are finished with all activities, proceed to the Google Form, where you will provide feedback for the module and submit your attachments. All work will be assessed using this rubric.

Standard A: (Vocabulary Acquisition and Use 2–3) 

L.2.4 Determine and/or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies: context clues, word parts, word relationships, and reference materials. 

Standard B: (Writing 4–5) W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. 

a. Organize information and ideas around a topic to plan and prepare to write. 

Standard C: (Social Studies, History 4 ) 4.H.1.1 Summarize the change in cultures, everyday life and status of indigenous American Indian groups in NC before and after European exploration. 

Standard D: (Science: Matter-Properties and Change 5) 

5.P.2 Understand the interactions of matter and energy and the changes that occur. 

Standard E: (World Languages/Connections to Language and Literacy K-12 )

NL.CLL.1.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to express needs, preferences, and feelings. 

Standard F: (Music 2) 

2.CR.1.1 Exemplify music representing the heritage, customs, and traditions of various cultures. 

Graphic Organizer Options 

Option 1

Option 2

Congratulations! You have completed the Deconstructing Standards Professional Learning Module. Be sure to complete the steps in Task 2 to ensure proper submission of work. Please note the work you submit will take time to assess. Please allow two weeks for a response and issuance of the PLM certifciate of completion. 

Task 2: Please be sure to complete the Google form as we would love to hear your thoughts about our module. The second part of the survey includes uploading the completed work which includes the HyperDoc and Menu assignments. The survey should take between 5-10 minutes to complete. Once your requirements are completed and submitted, your certificate of completion will be sent to you via email. Thank you for your time and we hope you have gained new knowledge about deconstructing standards that can be applied within your current practice.

Continue to the next page for additional information about this PLM by clicking the Next arrow.