High impact teaching practices

High impact teaching practices include strategies for the classroom as well as cross-collaborative initiatives. The methods for the classroom can also be called "inclusive teaching" whereas the term "high impact practices" typically refers to the larger initiatives.

You can find many resources dedicated to inclusive teaching, including:

Inclusive Teaching Toolkit | Closing Higher Education Equity Gaps (acue.org)

A Working, Self-Study Guide on: (designlearning.org)

Inclusive Teaching Strategies | Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning (yale.edu)

Inclusive Teaching Guide | Center for Teaching & Learning (berkeley.edu)

NASH High Impact Practices (nashonline.org)

Active and authentic learning

Authentic learning occurs when students use the course content in a way that simulates how they would use it in real life. Active learning occurs when the students are asked to engage with the material through group work, projects, presentations, or investigation rather than solely gaining knowledge through lecture.

Collaboration in the classroom

A collaborative classroom utilizes the students' voices in course policies, grading practices, and curriculum design.

transparency in assignments and syllabi

Transparency involves creating documentation that clearly explains its purpose, goals, objectives and evaluation criteria.

Reflective teaching and learning

Paired with obtaining knowledge from a course is reflecting on what was learned, how it was learned, its usefulness and how it may have changed the students' or instructors' thoughts or actions.

Improving Teaching Through Reflection

The AAC&U's 10 high-impact practices

Based on George Kuh's seminal 2008 publication, High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter the American Association of Colleges and Universities has embraced and assessed 10 High-Impact Teaching Practices that are correlated with student success, especially for disadvantaged students:

  • First-Year Seminars and Experiences

  • Common Intellectual Experiences

  • Learning Communities

  • Writing-Intensive Courses

  • Collaborative Assignments and Projects

  • Undergraduate Research

  • Diversity & Global Learning

  • Service Learning & Community-Based Learning

  • Internships

  • Capstone Courses & Projects

Find more at: High-Impact Practices | AAC&U (aacu.org)