
The Dr. Mary Louise Van Winkle Professional Staff Teaching Learning Center (TLC) supports faculty and staff to lead and develop innovative strategies that promote meaningful learning and student success.

Learn more about practices and pedagogy that have been shown to have a positive impact on student success.

Explore ways to address diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice in your interactions with students.

Expand your knowledge of online and hybrid pedagogy.

Find out more about open educational resources and how to implement them into your courses.

Want to submit an event to be included on the calendar?

Please see our links on myDCC for the event form and our internal processes. Thank you!


Carla DelTreste, MCS Department - TLC Faculty Coordinator

Teresa Burke, AHBS Department - OER and Online/Hybrid Teaching Pedagogy

Thomas B. Costello, PVAC Department - High-Impact Teaching Practices

Carolyn Rounds, AHBS Department - Diversity, Equity Inclusion, and Social Justice

Chrisie Mitchell, Director of Instructional Technology and eLearning


Hudson Hall 232

Bottom Floor of the Library


Questions? Contact us at TLC@SUNYDUTCHESS.EDU