Creative Danube through new teaching methods in built environment field
Creative Danube through new teaching methods in built environment field
COORDINATOR: University of Novi Sad (UNS), Faculty of Technical Sciences
Novi Sad / 7-8 December 2022
Our collegues from University of Novi Sad (UNS), Faculty of Technical Sciences, coordinated by Milena Krklješ, organized between 7 and 8 December, the first multiplier event and students project exhibition.
University of Novi Sad (UNS), Faculty of Technical Sciences
LOCATION: Novi Sad / 7- 8 December 2022
Although this first Multiplier Event, was scheduled at midterm within the total project timeline, designated to dissemination of the preparation and implementation phases of all the three Intellectual Outputs, due to the COVID-19-pandemic, travel restriction and changes in the schedule of all activities, it was postponed to December 2022. The event was planned as an open access workshop and exhibition to reach all relevant target groups and ensure sustainability and the transferability: higher education organization, non-academic society acting in the field and associated project partners. Several meetings with UNS team members were organized as well as consultations with LP on the organization and expected outcomes of the E1. According to all observations, UNS had prepared the detailed agenda about the tasks, responsibilities, and challenges of the E1, as well as some theoretical inputs and presentations for the workshop.
Invitation was published on UNS web site main page and widely sent to different professionals in the field of EU cooperation, urban and architectural design, and cultural industries. The event was held in serbian. The event was held in Serbian and a total of 40 participants actively joined the meeting, discussing with UNS team members about project scope and achieved results and deliverables, jointly working on possible improvement and implementation of new teaching methods in the field of built environment in general. Participants were from both private and public sector.
The E1 was organized to provide wide dissemination of the project, its topics, goals and results to the professionals related to the topic. It was organized by the team members from the UNS with an aim to jointly discuss and further develop possibilities of the intellectual outputs with the public, who might be interested in further implementation and use of the project results. After first part of the E1, lectures on the topic and presentation of the results in O1, O2 and O3 intellectual outputs, the discussion was opened among the public with an aim to get a feed-back about the results on the chosen subject. After the discussion, all participants have joined the opening of the exhibition that was showing how students implemented some of the project results in their design projects. Participant have showed great interest in further cooperation as well as in receiving more information and ideas how to implement some of result into their everyday work.
The UNS team members get as much professional feedback as possible in a joint discussion and have evaluated discussion from the E and will include suggestions and ideas to future courses and studios related to Os other project results.
All outcomes of the multiplier event will be documented and disseminated via project partners websites