Intensive programmes for students*



12-16th October 2020   19th - 23th OCTOBER 2020 ONLINE

VIENNA, AUSTRIA – The pilot site is “Seestadt Aspern”, Vienna

Pilot cities: Vienna, Calarasi, Budapest, Bratislava, Belgrad, Novisad, Lods

*The planned IP might change depending on the circumstances related to the Covid-19 situation.


Just until recently, the task of mapping geographical phenomena was reserved for cartographers and other experts, who had access to the needed equipment (telescopes, sextant, theodolites,  etc.) and expertise. Nowadays, facilitated by the wide prevalence of smartphones and other connected devices, it became inherently easy to find out our position and share it with others. The British-American cartographer Michael F. Goodchild coined the term “Volunteered Geographic Information”, created and distributed by non-trained users using the possibilities provided by technological innovations such as Web 2.0. 

The workshop deals with modern possibilities of creating and sharing geographical information, going beyond simply drawing phenomena on a map, adding multiple visual (GoPro) and sensory (Electrodermal activity) features to the shared information. In addition, participants will be able to learn and assess methods and tools to visualize the data and share them online. A main result of the workshop week will be the elaboration of a common project website, containing all the information acquired and prepared during the workshop. 

The 35 student participants will be assigned into 12 groups of 3 people each, with one or two teachers assisting the group, though not leading the team. Each group will focus on one assigned topic related to VGI and alternative data collection techniques, which will be subsequently tested, analyzed and reviewed in a common blog.

DANUBIAN_SMCs conditions

The eligible DANUBIAN_SMCs participation is 5 full online workdays, between  12th  October and 16thOctober 2020,  19th  October and 23th October 2020, excluding travel days,  + contribution to the DANUBIAN_SMCs database of evaluated materials (delivering digital files of the presentation and of any other document presented at the meeting). 

The Intensive programmes for higher education learners will be held in English.

Special requirements

Laptop / Camera or/and mobile phone / for photo or/and video making / Sketching paper.


Active participation in the teamwork, discussions and summary sessions of the Intensive Study Programme.

Feedback about the impact of the Intensive Study Programme activity.

Submission of the presentation/publication/exhibition materials following the instructions of the DANUBIAN_SMCs contact at your institution.

Submission of the travel documentation to the faculty according to the university regulations.

Submission of the participation documentation to the faculty according to the university regulations.


After successful completion of the course, students are able to review and apply alternative data acquisition techniques in the context of spatial planning. During the intensive workshop week, students will deal with a theoretical introduction to VGI,  get an overview on modern (spatial) data analysis and visualisation techniques and present their results and findings on a project blog.

Transversal competences:


The students’ work including preparation, documentation, participation at the teaching laboratory with the implementation of its specific phases and the post processing activity will be expressed in min 2 ECTS credits, according to their university regulations

The following category of students will be targeted: doctoral students with research related to the project topics, master level or equal (upper years of integrated studies, i.e. with more than three years of higher education), bachelor students related (professionally or personally) to a small, medium-sized cities, or rural areas on Danube, students specialized in urban planning and design, architecture, landscape and interconnected disciplines.

The students will be selected according to the APPLICATION PROCEDURE, through a CALENDAR with the PROCESS SELECTION related to the management activities and outputs of the project.

Typical successful applicants would be students from the higher education institution:


The university candidates must submit online their materials, following the DANUBIAN_SMCs university guidelines and deadlines.  

The selection will be done online based on the submission of the applicant DOSSIER (in English) and INTERVIEW. 

The Dossier should contain: 

The applicant Dossier will be sent to the consortium university contact person.


5 students* / per each partner university based on dossier submission ranking.

*at least, due the online

*A reserve list of max. 3 students will be created in the case of additional positively evaluated submission or, in case some of the selected ones are unavailable for the Intensive Programmes.


Selected students will be considered Erasmus+ grant holders. The refund cannot exceed the unit costs determined by the European Commission according to the Erasmus+ guideline and DANUBIAN_SMCs approved budget for each partner consortium. (Travel Grant and 5 working days + 2 days travel*)

*for online activity,  the grant will not cover travel days

The applicants must consider the fact that the grant might not entirely cover the transport and accommodation costs. An additional personal budget must be considered.