Technische Universität Wien


The history of Vienna has been closely related to the Danube river since the beginning of its history. The city traces back to a Roman military camp called “Vindobona” which was situated at the riverbank of that time, when the Danube formed the border of the empire. Since then, Vienna has grown into a city with European significance, as the capital of the Danubian Monarchy and - especially after the dissolution of the former eastern bloc - it has regained its role as a major place for exchange between countries, cultures and languages.

The Danube itself also had a strong impact on forming the physical structure of the city. Initially a meandering riparian zone, in the 19th century the city controlled the flow of the river, which allowed physical developments on former swamps and marshlands. Another major intervention was the creation of the “Donauinsel” (“Danube Island”), which nowadays serves as a major recreation zone for the Viennese. Today, the river continues being in the focus of urban planners, with many development projects (most notably the “Seestadt Aspern”) situated at or near to the left bank of the river, which provides spatial reserves for the demands of the growing city.

Technische Universität Wien

The Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) was founded in 1815 and is today with around 30 thousand students and a scientific staff consisting of over 3 800 people, one of the major universities in Austria. With currently 7,400 enrolled students (respectively 4,400 involved in examinations) and around 250 staff in the scientific branch alone, the Faculty of Architecture and Planning is the largest of eight faculties at the TU Wien and one of the largest architecture and planning faculties in Europe. Alone in the past academic year, 990 candidates enrolled for the Bachelor Degree of Architecture, and around 250 for that of Planning.

Spatial Simulation Lab (Simlab)

The project Danubian SMCs is managed by the team of the Spatial Simulation Lab (Simlab), which is a group of interdisciplinary researchers focussing on novel technologies in urban and spatial planning, especially on methods of visualisation and simulation. The project team has backgrounds in architecture, spatial planning, and computer science and has been active in various national and international research projects.

The Simlab has been involved as partners within the Interreg-project DANUrB, where its main tasks laid in presentation of suitable spatial & regional planning and research methods and show how these can be implemented in practice. Additionally, the project team has also contributed to the conceptualisation and development of the DANUrB platform, presenting places of heritage in municipalities along the river.

The project Danubian_SMCs is conducted by the following researchers:

Julia Forster, architect, doctorate in spatial planning

Stefan Bindreiter, spatial planner, computer engineer

Balázs Cserpes, spatial planner