Budapest is the capital city of Hungary, the ninth-largest city in the European Union by its population of 1,75 million. Budapest is the child of the Danube; the river is the primary element of Budapest’s identity, historic development and its sustainable and liveable future. Budapest was founded in 1873, through the unification of three historic towns: Buda, Pest and Óbuda. The Hungarian capital became the biggest city on the Danube, the most important industrial, commercial, cultural centre of the region and the gateway of Western Europe to the East. The city’s present form, greater Budapest, was born in 1950, through the addition of 16 settlements situated along the outer belt. Nowadays, Budapest is a city, a county, and an independent EU Region since January of 2018. But the city functions as the center of the Budapest metropolitan area comprising one third of the population of Hungary.


Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), a leader in technical higher education in Hungary, was founded in 1782. BME is a research university with well-established international reputation. Its eight faculties – Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Architecture, Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Natural Sciences, Social and Economic Sciences - have their individual characteristics but they all aim at outstanding academic and professional results.

The Faculty of Arhitecture focuses on training highly professional experts in architectural engineering who are aware of the social and cultural implications of their profession. Versatility is emphasized so that students will gain fundamental knowledge and abilities in every possible field of architecture and be able to find work in a highly competitive job market, and in any building- or design-related area of consulting, construction, and management.


The role of the Department of Urban Planning and Design is to connect the fields of environmental design (architecture, landscape architecture, engineering etc.) and the scope of the analytic experts (sociologist, economist, historian, etc.), to introduce the interdisciplinary approach into architecture and at the same time to ensure the presence of architects in urban projects. Architecture and the city, architecture and urbanism are inseparable fields. They have different places in the education of the department, the BSc level being architecture and urban design oriented, while at the MSc and postgraduate level the education of the urban planning is dominant. However, doctoral studies related to urban issues have two pillars: PhD is research focused DLA is project oriented.

The members of the Danubian_SMCs teams are:

Bálint KÁDÁR PhD, associate professor, project responsable

Árpád SZABÓ DLA, associate professor, Head of department

Melinda BENKŐ PhD, habilitated associate professor

Annamária ORBÁN PhD, associate professor

Béla Zsolt GERGELY, project manager