3rd Transnational Project Meeting 

3rd Transnational Project Meeting 


VENUE  Filiala Teritorială București a Ordinului Arhitecților din România 

str. Sf. Constantin nr. 32, sector 1, 

25th - 26th November, 2022 

București, Romania

Third Meeting of DANUBIAN_SMCs Erasmus+ K203 Strategic Partnership Project was the 3rd Transnational Partner Meeting hosted and conducted by UAUIM, the lead partner of the previous parnership project DANURB and the coordinator of the O1 Methodological guidelines and new theoretical and practical methods of interdisciplinary teaching for assessing small and medium sized cities (SMCs) on Danube  output.

TPM included 21 participants: 14 partners face-to face, 2 online and 6 invited participants. 

The activity has developed as scheduled, and a large majority of partners participated in-person at Bucharest, key-persons responsible for the project management and intellectual outputs, from all partner organizations. The participants at the 3rd TPM in Bucharest discussed the project extension and financial – administrative issues presented by the project manager Mihaela HARMANESCU, as well as project milestones and work for the final report.

The meeting also included an open round table debate, as a preparatory meeting for the multiplier events, where the participants have evaluated the project implementation, and the results schedule, pursuing in time the final report, and the results’ sustainability. During the meeting, the participating partners discussed with stakeholders from partner institutions (Florin RADULESCU, Calarasi Museum, Ro), associated partners (ATU - Vera MARIN, Catalin BERESCU) and invited experts from correlated/ complementary projects - Irina TULBURE, Lecturer at UAUIM (Triplex-confinium project), Laura TUCAN, assistant at UAUIM (inclimate project) and Emil IVANESCU, the president of OAR Bucharest branch.