
Inclusivity and Sustainability Organizations

FIRST Ladies Logo

FIRST Ladies

FIRST Ladies is a global organization that promotes gender inclusivity within FIRST robotics. We joined FIRST Ladies to show our support for gender equality in FIRST and STEAM.

Menstrual Equity Logo


Menstrual Equity (M.E.) is a global organization that promotes affordable and equitable access to hygiene products for all, especially at FIRST competitions. We joined M.E. to further show our support for gender inclusivity and equity through providing hygiene products.

Project Pangea Logo

Project Pangea

Project Pangea is a global organization that promotes sustainability and inclusivity within FIRST teams. We joined Project Pangea to promote the importance of sustainability at large, and to connect with teams from across the globe for this same purpose.

STEAM Advocacy Alliances

Robotics STEM Advocacy Alliance Logo

Robotics STEM Advocacy Alliance

Robotics STEM Advocacy Alliance (RSAA) is a national organization that advocates for robotics teams nationwide and to sustain a community of FIRST students aiming to make a difference. We joined the RSAA to push for the future of STEAM education and the importance of FIRST.

Nevada STEAM Advocacy Alliance Logo

Nevada STEAM Advocacy Alliance

Nevada STEAM Advocacy Alliance (NSAA) is a statewide organization that advocates for STEAM education in Nevada. We founded the NSAA to continue our efforts in giving all students in Nevada equitable access to STEAM education.

Previous Partnerships

Rookie Ring Logo

Rookie Ring

The Rookie Ring is a global organization to support and connect with rookie teams. We joined the Rookie Ring to connect with other rookie teams during our first year and we continued to support rookie teams following the end of that season.