

PR Team

The PR Team is the Subcategory of our team that specializes in Public Relations with the business and public appearance aspects.

Build Team

The Build Team is the Subcategory of our team that specializes in building the robot and all that goes into the conceptual design of the robot.


Public Relations

Branding Team

The Branding Sub-Team is responsible for creating artworks and animations.

Photography Team

The Photography Sub-Team is responsible for capturing special moments of our team.

Media Team

The Media Sub-Team is responsible for keeping our fellow robots and peers updated through our website and website.

Outreach Team

The Outreach Sub-Team is responsible for reaching out to our community and organizing a array of events.

Fundraising Team

The Fundraising Sub-Team is responsible for funding our team through fundraisers and sponsors.

Historian Team

The Historian Sub-Team is responsible for keeping track of our team's progress and achievements.

Awards Team

The Awards Sub-Team is responsible for creating pieces to win prestigious and impactful awards.


Mechanical Team

The Mechanical Sub-Team is responsible for designing and building the robot's mechanics.

Control System Team

The Control System Sub-Team is responsible for managing the eletrical and pneumatic systems.

Programming Team

The Programming Sub-Team is responsible for creating the code for the robot.

Manufacturing Team

The Manufacturing Sub-Team is responsible for using an assortment of machines to create parts.

Strategy Team

The Strategy Sub-Team is responsible for looking at all aspects of the robot and gameplay perform even better.

CAD/3D Printing Team

The CAD/3D Printing Sub-Team is responsible for creating 3D models and printing our parts.