Our Alumni

Yusra A.

"My experience in Robotics has shaped the person I am today. it has given me confidence in my ability to succeed in a male dominated field. It has allowed me to learn a multitude of skills and ideas in the field of STEM. My favorite thing about FIRST is the wonderful friendships I've made with people who have the same interests and goals as me, and without FIRST I wouldn't have the opportunity to meet all of these amazing people. It has helped me find my passion for Mechanical Engineering by allowing me to do hands on work."  

Sergio F.

"Throughout my four years of high school I joined many clubs and was actively involved with many organizations, but can confidently say that robotics and FRC were my favorite when I joined. FRC is an incredibly challenging and rewarding task that will still feel fun no matter how stressful it can be at times. Being a part of the Cyber Vipers gave me experiences that I’ll never be able to forget and has helped me improve personally in certain tasks like collaboration and public speaking. "

Email: sergiofv0@gmail.com 

Evan H.

"Being a part of robotics was an amazing part of my senior year, I wish I had more time to spend with such an amazing group of people. However, I was glad to be apart of the teams success while making friends along the way."