Week 9: Final Project Planning

Tuesday, March 2nd Overview

  • Final project proposal feedback: 3:30-5:20, with 10 minute break in the middle

Each member of the class will individually present their project and receive feedback from the group.

Presenters will spend 10 minutes describing their project. Reviewers will spend 10 minutes giving feedback.

For Presenters:

  • Describe the project idea, including why you are interested in this idea.

  • Outline the primary technical challenges you are likely to encounter and how you plan to approach them

  • Describe the primary design challenges the project presents and how you plan to approach them.

  • Describe how you plan to evaluate your project. Note, this does not have to be a formal evaluation, but rather a plan for understanding how the project is successful and how it might be improved by the end of the class.

For Reviewers:

  • Does the project idea seem clear? If not, what is unclear?

  • What elements of the project seem most interesting and why?

  • Does the project connect with the themes of the class? If not, how might it be more closely connected?

  • Does the idea seem feasible?

  • Does the evaluation criteria seem connected with the aims of the project?


  • Revise your final project proposal description based on class feedback and instructor comments.

Upload your revised description to the class Github by next class (March 4th).