Week 1: Init

Thursday, January 7th Overview

  • Reading Discussion: 3:30-4:20

  1. General thoughts and reflections from previous week's reading.

  2. What ideas Reichart's (and of McCullough's, if you read the optional reading) aligned with the preconceptions people had about the creative applications of computation? What ideas were surprising?

  3. What do you think (if anything) has changed since these works were written?

  • Break: 4:20-4:30

  • Introduction to Processing and Git/Github: 4:30-5:10

  • Introduce week 1 assignment: 5:10-5:20


  • Create a personal Github Repository on the course Github Organization

  1. Wait for an invitation to the course GitHub organization from me.

Note: if you currently have a GitHub account, you will receive an invite to that account. If you do not, you will receive an invite through the email you provided on the survey. You will then have to register with GitHub in order to join the organization.

  1. Once you receive an invite, create a new repository on the github organization.

Use your first name (no spaces) as the repository name. Do not initialize a README, add a gitignore, or a license.

  1. Open the student_sample repository. This is a template I've created to help you setup your own repository.

Download a zipped copy of the repository to your computer, unzip it and save it somewhere that is not your Downloads folder. You might also want to rename the directory.

  1. Open the README.md file and edit it with your personal information.

You can use any code-oriented text editor to do this. I prefer Sublime. Do not use text Edit.

  1. Open the command-line application on your computer.

Terminal on Mac and Linux, Command Prompt on Windows.

  1. cd into the directory.

  2. Initialize a git repository with: git init

  3. Add all the current files in the directory: git add --all

  4. Make your first commit: git commit -m "your message here"

  5. Setup your remote to point to the repository you created with your name: git commit -m "git remote add origin https://github.com/CSVAD/.git"

  6. Push your changes to the remote: git push -u origin main

  • Draw a face with code/ draw a face by hand

  1. Install the Processing programming environment.

  2. Create a new sketch in Processing, or open the example sketch from the projects folder/week 1 in your local github directory.

  3. Using only basic 2D primitive (ellipse, circle, rect, square, triangle) and style methods (background, fill, stroke, strokeWeight), draw a basic face.

Only use the methods listed under 2D Primitives and Color in the Processing Reference. No loops, conditionals, functions, etc.

  1. Once you've gotten the hang of Processing, spend about 15-20 minutes making your face. This should be fast!

  2. Save your face sketch and a screenshot of the compiled result in your course directory under projects/week1.

  3. Create another face, but with pencil and paper (or in a digital editing tool of your choice- ie. Photoshop, Illustrator, GIMP, Inkscape, etc.)

Spend no more than 15-20 minutes on this. Don't overthink it!

  1. Save a .jpg or .png of your hand-drawn face in the projects/week1 folder. If you drew it on paper, take a photo or scan it.

  2. Commit your changes and push to your remote repository.

  3. Open your command line and cd into the directory.

  4. Add all the current files in the directory: git add --all

  5. Commit your changes with a message: git commit -m "your message here"

  6. Push your changes to the remote: git push -u origin master