Week 8: Abstraction continued

Tuesday, February 23rd Overview

  • Programming Library questions: 15 min

  • Runway ML Demonstration: 30- 40min

Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1XgVGu6tj6SxMNvUS4lYQhRc1NTIIoFp7Ncbi8sI9HFI/edit?usp=sharing

  • Introduce final project and final project proposal


  • Write an initial proposal for your final project: due March 2nd

Select from the following options for a final project:

  1. Create a new computational tool for visual art or design expression (animation can be included as well) that *does not* require programming in Processing to use. The tool must contain the following elements: 1) a user interface, 2) A set of interactions that enable creating visual forms or patterns, 3) A set of interactions that enable editing visual forms and patterns, 3) the ability to export out compositions created in the interface. 4) a set of example compositions created with the tool.

  2. Create a series of generative works: Write an algorithm that creates a series of generative works (minimum 3, maximum 10). Document your process of designing the algorithm, including your initial goals and objectives, challenges, and criteria for selecting the final works in the series.

  3. Create a programming library for Processing (or another programming language of your choice). The library must enable people to perform a set of operations in Processing that are currently not possible, or non-trivial with the standard Processing language. Alternatively, your library could enable people to work with Processing in a different way or through a different set of abstractions. It should not replicate the functionality of any existing user contributed libraries. Your library must include a set of at least 4 example projects, and a full documentation for all methods that are exposed to the user.

  4. Choose your own adventure: Propose an alternative final project.

Write a short proposal for your final project based on one of the options. You may propose one idea, or several different possibilities. Projects may be collaborative. If you plan to work with other members of the class, describe how you plan to organize the work across the members of the team members.

Upload your project description to Github before class on Monday March 1st under a new directory entitled "finalProject".

We will provide feedback on the proposals in class next week (March 2nd).

  • Week 7 assignment (Processing Library) review next class (February 25th)

    1. Upload your libraries to Github by 6PM Wednesday February 24th

    2. Prior to class on Thursday, download and install your classmates' programming libraries