Week 8: Abstraction continued

Thursday, February 25th Overview

  • Review of Library assignment: 3:30-4:20

    • Individually present your (in progress) library

      • What is the goal of your library?

      • What methods did you expose to the programmer and why?

      • How did you decide on your library syntax? (what the library is named, what the functions are called.)

      • What challenges did you encounter when creating your library?

    • Q/A for technical issues, gotchas in Processing Library creation.

  • Break: 4:20-4:30

  • Course Summary and Reflection: 4:30-5:20

  • Pointers to example final projects


  • Come to Tuesday's class prepared to informally present your proposal idea to the group and receive feedback

Include in your presentation:

  1. Primary implementation challenges

  2. Primary design challenges

  3. Ideas for how you will might evaluate the success of your project

Feel free to bring sketches or reference materials that might help in presenting your concept.