Week 4: Generativity

Tuesday, January 26th Overview


We will be exploring each other's parametric assignments in class today. Please come to class with your partner's parametric assignment downloaded from the class GitHub. Make sure that their code runs on your machine and you have all necessary libraries installed, but try not to explore their code or model until our class discussion.

Group 1: Masood and Ashley

Group 2: Suriya and Mert

Jennifer will join Group 1 and Stejara will join Group 2.

  • Review of Parametric Forms assignment: 3:30-4:20

In your zoom breakout room, take turns sharing your screen and experimenting with your partner's parametric model for 7 minutes.

If you are observing your partner interacting with your assignment, think about the ways in which they interact with your work and how they differ from your experiences interacting with your own parametric system.

If you are interacting with your partner's assignment, save 3 screenshots of variations you create with their interface. Think about why you chose the 3 variations that you did.

Engage in a short discussion with your partner (7 minutes). Compare your results with the variations they created with their own system. How similar or different are they? How do the resul ts created by another person conform with or deviate from the constraints you embedded in your original design?

Follow with a joint group review where volunteers will share their results.

  • Break: 4:20-4:30

  • Generativity Part 1: 4:30-5:10

Review of past and present generative works.

  • Non-computational Generative Works: 4:30-5:10

Hans Haacke's Condensation Cube

Nicholas Schoffer's Kinetic Sculptures

Yoko Ono's Cut Piece


  • Reading

  1. Closed systems: Generative art and Software Abstraction by Marius Watz
    See work by Lab[au] discussed in reading: 5x5x5, chronoPrints

  2. Essay from Making Pictures with Generative Adversarial Networks by Casey Reas
    See compressed cinema images and animations referenced in essay here

  3. OPTIONAL VIEWING/ Reading: Machine Learning Art: An Interview With Memo Akten,
    Playing a Game of GANstruction by Helena Sarin (Eyeo Talk)

  • Complete a reading reflection in the slide deck by Wednesday, 6pm

  • Course check-in survey

Please fill out the course check-in survey with your honest thoughts and feedback as soon as possible. All responses are anonymous!