Week 5: Interactivity

Tuesday, February 2nd Overview

  • Check in on survey results, reading and assignment schedule

  • Critique of Generativity assignment: 3:30-4:20

We'll go around the group and share each student's generative work and participate in a group critique

Presenter- First share your resulting images (via screen share)

Group- discuss the aesthetic properties of the work- color, composition, form, variety, uniqueness

-What feelings do the pieces evoke for you? Calm? Balanced? Stark? Intense?

-Which pieces feel more successful and why?

-Do the pieces as a whole feel consistent, like they could be members of the same series or tryptic, or do they seem like individual works? Why?

Presenter- Describe your process for creating these pieces including the functionality of the system, how you modified it in the process of working with it, and how you made your selections.

  • Break: 4:20-4:30

  • Overview of approaches and philosophy in new-media interactive art: 4:30-5:10

    • Roy Ascott

Change Painting, 1961

  • Lynn Hershman

Lorna, 1979-1984

  • Nam Jun Paik

Random Access, 1963

    • Myron Krueger

Videoplace, 1972

    • Camille Utterback

Text Rain, 1999

    • Scott Snibbe

Boundary Functions, 1998

Bubble Harp, 1998

  • Daniel Rosin

Wooden Mirror, 1999

  • Design I/O

Connected Worlds, 2015

  • Zachary Lieberman and Golan Levin

Manual Input Workstation, 2004

  • teamLab

The Columns, 2019

  • Jonah Warren

Sloppy Forgeries, 2018

  • 5:10-5:20 Introduction to reading assignment and prompt


  • Reading- aka Viewing

This week we'll view and discuss a series of interviews with the artist and participants for a work of interactive art.

First, watch the performance / demonstration of Golan Levin and Zachary Lieberman's Manual Input Workstation

Then, watch the interview with Golan Levin about the work conducted by Lizzie Muller and Katja Kwastek. Focus on questions 7-16, however you are encouraged to watch all questions if you have time: Golan Levin Interview

Finally, watch at least one of the interviews with participants of the Manual Input Workstation: Participant Interviews

Optional Reading/ Viewing- Pieces by Bret Victor on supporting artwork through digital tools:

  1. Stop Drawing Dead Fish

  2. Dynamic Pictures Motivation Essay

  • Complete a reading reflection in the slide deck by Wednesday, 6pm