Campus Ministry


  • We will be offering the examen Monday- Thursday per our normal routine

The examen is a staple Jesuit prayer that centers us daily. It meant to be an intentional moment of the day when we stop, reflect, and examen a few areas of our lives. What are we grateful for? What are we looking forward to? How can we see God in everything we do?

We pray this examen as a school every day in hopes that we can stop and reflect on all the good, and sometimes hard, that life brings us.

  • During this time if you are in need of more daily prayer reflections, Campus Ministry recommends these daily prayer resources:

  • Campus Ministry is also taking prayer requests. If you or a loved one would like a to offer a prayer during this time, we will be offering them up during our Campus Ministry meetings and will return your email with a kind note and affirmation that your intention has been prayed for.

    • Please send prayer intentions to or


Right now, we are not asking that students perform any extraordinary acts of service that require them to leave their homes and be in crowded areas. If students would like to creatively think of ways they can serve during this time, CM is open to hearing all ideas.

Some of ours include:

    • Do an examen (Max 90 seconds video) for the CRJ school community and upload it to: Examen Drop Box

    • Make a video for an elderly person in need of a little joy.


    • We are currently working with our Jesuit sister parish, St. Thomas Moore, to offer streaming services to our community for all holy week prayer services.