The Law
of Attraction
the Art

Art Distraction & Harmony Daily

Visualise and Attract
Dreams in Images - or the Law of Attraction with AI
Hello!  and welcome to a transformative journey that intertwines creativity, imagination, and artificial intelligence to manifest dreams.

The Visualise and Realise method utilises AI technology to and give life to dreams.
The course covers the concept of manifestation, discusses various tools available and shows how to use them to infuse some life energy to your dreams.
It is ADHD-friendly and allows for expanding imagination and focusing on desires. The course provides tools and support to discover the unlimited possibilities of a creative mind.

More about the course:
Learning basics of principles of the Law of Attraction , through this course, participants will not only learn about AI technology and the Text-to-Image tool but also how to effectively use these tools to refine the vision.

This five-part course has been designed with accessible language and examples, a touch of humor . During our online meetings you'll have the opportunity to learn how to utilize artificial intelligence to verbilze, visualise your dreams. And the best part is, you can take this course at any time, at your own pace, and in harmony with your lifestyle. Doesn't that sound perfect?

Each week, you'll receive a new video lesson with a set of exercises.
The classes are not time-consuming - you can dedicate as much time as you want.
If you have a moment - great, if you have the whole day - even better! 
Remember, you decide the pace of your learning.

Sign up for the mailing list to be notified as soon as enrolment for the course opens. 

(*) Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is an ideology that suggests what we focus our attention on tends to manifest in our lives. It is a key element of this course.

So, if Einstein said that everything is energy, can my thoughts about a house attract it?
The answer will likely be revealed during this course! :)
Together with a true story about how I ,accidentally, manifested my new life.

But the best part is... you don't need to have a clear vision or know exactly where you're headed. I will show you how to harness your immediate intuitive responses and effectively utilize your subconscious to navigate towards your dreams through vivid imagery.

I'm thrilled to share with you a unique approach I've discovered, which might change the way you view the process of manifestation.
My journey has taught me that the power of manifestation isn't limited to positive thinking or taking specific actions towards our goals. Rather, it can be a creative and playful process, fueled by imagination and facilitated by the tools of modern technology, like AI.

What is this course about?
This course is about exploring Law of Attraction, the world of dreams and how to use your creativity to call them in!
It is designed to help you discover and develop your artistic abilities and dip your toes in to idea of manifesting.

Throughout the course you will learn various techniques, delve into different mediums and gain a deeper understanding of the creative process of manifestation.

Whether you are a beginner or have some experience, this course aims to inspire and guide you on your artistic journey. It is dedicated to you, a woman with passion for dreams and for learning AI art-work.