Artist Recovery 

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or make yourself a cup of tea and read on.. 

all will be .. art 

Art Distraction & Harmony Daily



Authentic Creative Expression
When we express ourselves freely, we feel more connected and alive.
It brings us joy and helps us discover new things about ourselves. By creating from our intuition, we get closer to who we truly are and what the world has to offer.

Creating can also help us deal with life's challenges. It allows us to explore our thoughts and feelings, and the more we do it, the better we become. It unlocks our endless creative potential.

The act of creating is like a form of meditation. It can be calming or exciting. Each time we create, we're on a journey to discover something unique.
It's a path to our personal growth and transformation.

"Frida Kahlo once said, 'I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.'

Her words beautifully capture the essence of an artist's journal, where one can freely express their innermost thoughts and emotions without any constraints."

So, let's explore our creativity because it's a wonderful journey.

1. Painting from your intuition can help you know yourself better. When you express yourself through art, you can figure out who you are and what you want in life.

2. Intuitive painting can also help you understand your feelings. Sometimes, we hide our emotions, but painting can let them out in a healthy way.

3. Being creative through intuitive painting can open new opportunities in your life.

4. When you're sad, angry, or upset, painting can be a good way to feel better.

5. Expressing yourself through art can make you more confident in your skills and talents.

6. Intuitive painting can help you connect with other women who have ADHD. This connection can be very empowering and useful.

7. If you want to feel better mentally and express yourself, intuitive painting is a great choice.

"Colours are not mere pigments on a canvas; they possess a language of their own.
They speak to us in whispers and shouts, creating a symphony of sensations that resonate deep within our being.
A single stroke of vibrant red can ignite passion, while a gentle wash of blue can evoke tranquility and introspection."

5-Week Program

Welcome to the  5-Week Journey of Intuitive Transformative Painting

This special course is for creative individuals with ADHD (and we're all creative).
We believe here that the journey itself is the masterpiece. In this course, we focus on the process rather than the final result. We encourage you to keep a diary and gather inspiration.

We'll go on a personal journey of self-discovery. In live Zoom sessions, we'll explore intuitive painting, where you connect deeply with your canvas.
You'll receiv a carefully chosen package of top-quality art supplies right at your door, so you have everything you need to express your thoughts and feelings.

But there's more! In between our live sessions, you'll have access to recorded meditations designed to awaken your creative spirit. These meditations are customized to enhance your intuition and prepare you for your artistic journey.

Week 1: The Uncharted Path

   - Embrace the essence of the creative process.

   - Connect with your intuition through guided meditation.

Week 2: Exploring Color Vibrations

   - Dive into the world of colors and their emotional resonance.

   - Express and transfor our emotions through diary entries and poetry.

Week 3: Embracing Shadows and Light

   - Explore the interplay of shadows and light within your art.

   - Share insights through collaborative art diary projects.

Week 4: Navigating the Abstract Terrain

   - Venture into abstract art and focus on creative exploration.

   - Respond to surprise challenges with your artistic diary and poetry.

Week 5: Celebrating the Artistic Process

   - Cherish the artistic process itself, not just the final result.

   - Learn and artistic reflection and how to asses your own work and share only the part your journey that you desire.

Our course encourages you to keep an artist diary to reflecting on your journey.
Your journey will continue in jor artis diary or even better in our exclusive online community, where you can stay connected with fellow creatives and nurture your Inner Artist's growth.

Join us on this remarkable 5-week journey of self-discovery and transformation through intuitive painting and poetic expression!
Your process is your masterpiece and your diary and poems are your reflections on the canvas of your soul.
