Food waste
art materials 

"Color is a power that directly influences the soul. Color is the keyboard,
the eyes are the hammers, the soul is the piano with many strings.
The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another purposefully to cause vibrations in the soul."

- Wassily Kandinsky, "Concerning the Spiritual in Art"

World where ink flows from the heart of nature, where every stroke of the brush captures the essence of the earth's beauty. A realm of botanical inks that draws inspiration from the very core of the wilderness transforming flora into art

I find myself addicted to the act of plucking, driven by an insatiable passion for gathering peels, leftovers berries and leaves that whisper stories of the seasons.
Last night's ink was a testament to this addiction. Crafted from the vibrant essence beetroot and curcuma peels, onion skin  and elderberries, it embodies the very soul of the great resuse of matirials.
The bounty of nature is awe-inspiring, with countless vegetables, bushes and an explosion of elderberries this year. The prospect of tending to this abundance may induce a creeping panic, akin to the fear of missing out on the riches nature has to offer.

As you embark on this journey with me you too experience the thrill of capturing nature's hues and emotions in every brushstroke. It's a celebration of life's ever-changing canvas and an ode to the artistry hidden within the blooms and leaves.

A place to awaken your inner artist..