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Art Discovery & Harmony Daily

One 2 One
Creative coaching

Art coaching is fully booked for now. Stay tuned for updates in my  newsletter.
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One 2 One  session set up a it is very simple.

We'll chat a bit to start, and then I'll guide you through relaxation and visualization exercises. We also use cards to get your subconscious talking.

After that, you'll be working on your own, just like in an art workshop, where you'll gain insights. We'll chat again briefly, and then you'll have a month of personal work ahead of you, involving daily small artistic activities such as journaling or art making, etc. This will help release creativity in your life and potentially unlock any blocks, while boosting your energy levels, if you follow the instructions. You're likely to experience personal growth and an increase in positive emotions.

During our first meeting, we'll chat a bit more, so the initial session may be a bit longer.
However, the most important part is for you to actually go in to creative process, using materials of your choice. It doesn't really matter what you create, but it's best if you can prepare a dedicated space for your work before the session.

I provide private online sessions via Google Meet, and you'll receive all the details prior to our sessions.

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings
of the human soul."
-- Dieter F. Uchtdorf