

Power of true artistic expression

and far beyond-beyond

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Art, Discovery & Harmony Daily 

Take a deep breath..     

Let's Talk about Terminal Uniqueness..

Suppressed creativity really does have a damaging effect on the brains of humans,
especially humans with ADHD.
There is evidence that suppressing wild ideas can actually sabotage our efforts to achieve our goals!
We, as humans, are made for fun and creativity, but in the face of a world that focuses on efficiency and productivity, we forget about it. In order to pay our bills on time and organize our affairs, we try to adapt to these requirements. However, such a lifestyle goes against our true nature, which can lead to exhaustion and lack of energy to use our fun and creative side.

Creating is like breathing, it's possible to learn to do it well,

but the point is to do it no matter what.

Art is a language that recognises the full complexity of a person It offers a world beyond the constraints of logic and convention , it's a place to express experiences, emotions, memories, and images that cannot be captured in words

Through the creative expression, one can access a realm that transcends analytical thinking and ordinary communication allowing them to shape and give form to symbols, sensations, emotions, memories, and images that cannot be expressed solely through language.

"Everything starts from a dot."

Intuitive art is a connection with the pre-verbal and symbolic aspects of the self, which can be beneficial when dealing with inner turmoil, lack of focus, racing thoughts, and thirst for colour :)!

Exploratory, intuitive  painting -  give voice to Your Self

robienie wlasnych materialow artystycznych

We merge together and create a new art practice

This workshop evokes sensations, feelings, and imagination

You can find ways to express yourself.

You can find and discover space to create and dream.

Intuitive work can take you to unprecedented places

The rituals of the natural environment and contact with water are a part of this journey. You will learn how to co-create with nature.

You will expand your colour vocabulary by connecting with the essence of floral colours.

You will get to know your favourite materials and try different ways to create.

You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling,
so don't.
Learn to use them and fly.


Exploratory Painting

Investigates personality.
Creative expression
It’s an intensification of life.

It’s an alchemy of turning pain into poetry,
of finding beauty in unlikely places.

The further we go,
  —the more we feel understood
—the more we understand others
—the more we feel part of something 

adventurous and nourishing and redemptive.

As you exercise your spontaneous
 right brain, you invite insight and discover your rhythm.

When you let your brush move spontaneously, you will discover an authentic painting and dance "style" that goes beyond the learned technique.

When you create authentically, it's easier to get rid of perfectionism and inner criticism.

"The language of art consists of images and symbols.
It is a non-verbal language, even if your art involves dressing images in words.
The language of art is the expression of senses and lived experiences."

Julia Cameron

The cure for boredom is to learn something.
~Barbara Sher