About Me

Art Distraction & Harmony Daily

Certain experiences of the last 2 months, during my trip to Bali, triggered a whirl of reflection in me.
From a distance, looking at everyday life, I was reflecting on my life and the impact that ADHD has on it. I realized that this inner race I live with on a daily basis is not just a problem to be solved, but an integral part of my personality that can never be separated from the rest of me.

ADHD, despite all its difficulties, opens up incredible creative possibilities. It's a state of mind that transforms everyday life, adds colors and intensity to it that others often don't experience, and that's why I'm sitting here on this beach in Bali. ADHD, despite its complexity, can be a force that pushes you forward, to explore, to learn and to create.

The creativity that ADHD brings is like a magnet that attracts and absorbs. Sometimes it becomes obsessive, but it is an obsession that stimulates, inspires and motivates to act, but above all it is an antidote to various internal fears and anxieties that often appear in my life and probably in yours too.

These moments of creative focus, when the whole world disappears and only me and crayons and paints remain, these are the moments that give me breath, that give me space to be myself, to discover and solve problems my way. My creativity, though obsessive, is my refuge, my salvation, my gift.

I was thinking of those who, like me, live with ADHD. How can I help them? How can I use my creative Super Power experiences to understand and support others?

These thoughts have been swirling around in my head for the last few years, but now, in Bali, I have finally decided to act. I decided it was time to give this creative power to the world and finish the long started work for people with ADHD and not only. These will be articles, courses - and what's next, we'll see. This is a new road that will surely lead me somewhere.

I am happy to think that it can benefit not only me, but also You on your  happy creative life journey.
If you're eager for your creative journey to begin right now,
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