Adhd and artistic expression. Meeting
The Goddess of Art..

Art Distraction & Harmony Daily

Inside every person with ADHD I’ve ever met is a wellspring of creativity — a creativity so integral to who we are and how we’re made, that our health and happiness seems to hinge on embracing and expressing it fully.  Or suffer.” 
ADDitude Magazine

Let's Talk about Terminal Uniqueness..

Suppressed creativity really does have a damaging effect on the brains of people with ADHD. There is evidence that suppressing wild ideas can actually sabotage our efforts to achieve our goals!

We, as humans, are made for fun and creativity, but in the face of a world that focuses on efficiency and productivity, we forget about it. In order to pay our bills on time and organize our affairs, we try to adapt to these requirements. However, such a lifestyle goes against our true nature, which can lead to exhaustion and lack of energy to use our fun and creative side.

Miracles await...teach us how to fly!
Let go of fear and expectations
- just allow the brush to move freely
on paper
or on a canvas of your life.

When this wonderful creative energy is unleashed, joy, contentment, self-esteem and motivation are also released. And this facilitates a connection with the pre-verbal and symbolic aspect of yourself, which is beneficial when working with trauma, lack of concentration, thought race, to name a few ...

Creativity is also self-confidence and the courage to take risks, because the creative process is a journey full of surprises, you never know what will happen. Therefore, I encourage you to let yourself play with paints.
Remember that creativity is the key to discovering yourself and expressing your emotions.
Use your intuition to discover your inner passion and develop your painting skills. Let creation be a way to let go, relax and develop your imagination.

You don't have to be a professional artist to paint or draw, just let yourself have fun and hear your voice.

WHAT is an artist after all?
The same characteristics of ADHD that make us disorganized and absent-minded also make us outgoing thinkers. Our extreme attention span, our hyper focus, our willingness to take risks, and our ability to make informal connections with others are important qualities that make up the "neurology" of the creative mind, and we have them in abundance!

So, if you feel a desire to create and express yourself creatively, I encourage you to take action.

Every ADHD person I've ever met has a source of creativity so unique and integral to ourselves and our existence that health and happiness seem to depend on its full acknowledgment and expression.
She, the uniqueness is part of the intensity of living with ADHD and a  reflection of  our life's journey.
So, Dear, versatile woman who cannot stand still and is constantly looking for something new, fascinating, interesting, ethereal or difficult to grasp, and when you have just mastered what you are exploring,  you are already standing at the door ready for new experiences and knowledge.
This is an invitation to join the creative process with me here and now.
First sign up to The Art Of Dreaming

Embracing Negative Cycles and Conscious Creativity.

It's so easy to fall into cycles of negative thinking when we're feeling this way, and breaking free from them can sometimes be challenging. Turning our negative thoughts and emotions into something creative is a way to understand, shift our focus, and clear space for thoughts that will make us feel better.
Being proactive in small ways – like making small drawing or writing haiku – provides us with a different choice when negativity arises. When we label it, it loses its power!