Student Engagement Tips

Student Engagement Tips

As faculty, one way to ensure student success is to promote student engagement for all students, including students with disabilities. Below are some tips you can consider integrating along with your own teaching style to help promote student engagement, which is one of Harper's priorities.

  1. Support and facilitate the accommodations approved by Disability Services. If there are any questions regarding an accommodation, contact Disability Services and ask to speak to the student's assigned staff member. Disability Services serves both student and faculty
  2. Avoid arguments in front of the class with a student who is challenging. Instead use office hours or have a private conversation with the student during breaks or after class.
  3. Use a variety of teaching methods and when possible integrate audio visual material.
  4. Encourage questions while redirecting students who want to monopolize class time.
  5. Learn each student's name unless teaching a large lecture class. Students will appreciate that connection.
  6. Use humor. All students will connect more when humor is infused.
  7. During class, avoid busy work or reading that can be done after class.
  8. Show enthusiasm and excitement about the material being taught.
  9. Compliment and acknowledge students' accomplishments.
  10. Be flexible, understanding, and supportive.