Computer Programming Professionals
Mentoring & Study Group -
Learning & Sharing Knowledge free of charge via our Specialized Q&A Format
We each already know some specific programming language well,
or are deeply in your training to become a programmer.
On our own time we study books, read, write and debug computer programs.
At events we ask questions and give answers and explain.
We discuss alternative approaches to the question at hand - in depth.
No boring, poorly presented lectures that no one wants to hear!
With a question we know at least one person wants to hear the answer.
A highly proactive emcee/facilitator/moderator keeps us focused communicating precisely, clearly, and moving forward.
We strive for excellence.
We refine our knowledge through explaining and the testing of our ideas, knowledge and communication skills.
Some people simply sit back to absorb the wisdom and watch the point-counter point.
"Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher" -- Japanese Proverb
"The Q&A format 'is awesome', really unique, a valuable interchange and refinement of ideas." -- CppMSG participant
Check out our different sub-groups in the menu.
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