C++ // the modern versions
Let's Learn Modern C++26 Together - it's like a whole new, even better language!
Our seasoned, friendly, and helpful regulars welcome you to join us. We've been meeting steadily since 2015.
You can find our schedule and RSVP for our meetings, click here:
Click here to read about our Protocol & Rules which make this meeting very different from other events you might attend.
As with all CppMSG sub-groups, all attendees are experienced programmers, or near completion of they study of programming.
Click here for Required Tools you will need at every meeting.
IMPORTANT: Connect to the link(s) below before or as soon as you arrive at the meeting:
Chat at link above, NOT in the video conferencing program we are using during the meeting.
Chat at link above, NOT in the video conferencing program we are using during the meeting.
Unless someone figures out how to use matrix/element/gitter since it radically changed in about 2020, we will likely archive it. Attend a meeting and let us know if you have figured it out. :)
Yes, you will probably need a zoom account to make it easier to connect and re-connect quickly.
PS: If you really want to benefit, you should test your computer on, and create appropriate free account(s) at, the above link(s) before attending physically or on-line.
Recommended Reading
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++, **2nd** Edition -- Bjarne Stroustrup (AKA. Swans book)
C++ Programming Language, The, **4th** Edition -- Bjarne Stroustrup (AKA. Mountains book)
A Tour of C++ (C++ In-Depth Series) -- Bjarne Stroustrup (AKA. Red book)
C++ Concurrency in Action 2nd Edition by Anthony Williams (AKA. Concurrency book)
C++17 - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai Josuttis (AKA. The 17 book)
Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales: Advanced Programmer's Guide and Reference -- Angelika Langer, Klaus Kreft
C++20 - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai Josuttis (AKA. The 17 book)
C++ Move Semantics - The Complete Guide -- Nicolai Josuttis (AKA. The Move book)
...what others?...
Recommended References
http://cppreference.com (AKA. cppref )
https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines.html (AKA. Guidelines)
Join our gitter.im discussion here: https://gitter.im/CppMSG
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A little bit of interface, inheritance and composition.