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We are a group of people helping each other learn and or sharpen our skills. Mentoring is an effective form of teaching. Our mentors answer questions in the context of a group discussion.

Let's Learn Together - we take a whole new approach!

We emphasize questions and answers, with our round-table discussion.

Who should attend? - Are you a solid programmer who wants to expand your horizons?

Learn as experienced programmers (mentors) share their knowledge with you, a programmer who already knows another programming language well.

Mentors Needed! - Our expert volunteer mentors benefit from teaching, as well as hearing and learning alternative approaches from their fellow mentor's views, and the questions asked by the learners (students) during a session.

Don't forget to invite your programmer friends.

Group Culture and Meeting Facilitation -

We discuss deeply technical specifics. Introductory and advanced questions and answers are interleaved with the goal of everyone getting some benefit moment to moment.

All questions are treated with respect. All answers/replies/comments and asides are considered, challenged, and supplemented by everyone in the group. We are highly interactive and we sit around a huge table to facilitate quality communication.

No one is required to speak, but we hope you will have something to add when you are comfortable doing so.

The moderator of the group is very proactive in keeping the discussion understandable, focused, on topic and moving forward, as well as creating space for people to speak and express their technical ideas.

We aim for highly productive, highly interactive learning. Generally, we have one moderator and a primary mentor.

After reading an article in Fortune Magazine on 3/20/2018 and then browsing the internet, we found out that we are similar to a business called Circles http://circl.es/ . The short article 5 Trends to Ride in 2017 http://fortune.com/2017/03/17/trends-business-career-benefits/.

The 3rd trend is "Join a Learning Circle". It seems our group a forerunner of a potential trend. We've been operating since late 2015.


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