
Here you will find our latest essays, research, and info about all things related to Mental Health!

May 2024:

May is National Maternal Mental Health Awareness month. We want to celebrate all mothers and mothers to be for all of the strength you hold. We also want all of you who have struggled with motherhood, struggled with the inability to become or stay pregnant, struggled with the loss of a child, or in general struggle with this month, that we are here for you and we see you. 

Though not always talked about,100% of women who have children get postpartum depression and/or anxiety. Imagine postpartum on a spectrum, which varies from woman to woman, and varies depending on where you fell before having children, and which way your hormones go after having children. Some women feel the same, better, or worse than they did before becoming pregnant. Then there is a hormone shed around 4 months, sleep deprivation, malnourishment, and all on top of trying to function to provide for your family and keep your life in order. The amount of pressure put on mothers by social media and society to be perfect and do everything, can be extremely overwhelming. Have you ever heard of "mom guilt", "mom brain", or "mom rage"? Yes, those are real, and VERY typical. 

We at CFW are here for you to feel support, validation, and encouragement. We want you to know that you are  not alone, and if you need someone to sit with you while you cry, yell, scream, question everything you ever thought you knew, we will be that for you. We also know that finding the right person who fits your personality and style is the most important, so please reach out to any and all clinicians at any practice or agency that may work for you. If you need recommendations please reach out and we will try our best to help you.

Jan 2024:

Fitness and nutrition are beneficial not just for our bodies, but also for our minds. Research suggests that regular exercise and proper nutrition can prevent and improve mental health concerns. It can be difficult to implement these habits, and they can pay off huge dividends to both our physical and mental health.

Exercise improves mood by causing a release of “feel good chemicals” (endorphins, serotonin). When we exercise, we engage in mindfulness as we focus on how it feels to do certain movements, and engaging in mindfulness has been shown to improve mental health. There is a sense of accomplishment after finishing a workout, which can improve self-esteem. Joining a gym or an exercise studio can be a great way to meet new people, build relationships, and combat loneliness. Regular exercise can also help to improve sleep, thus improving mental health. 

From weight lifting to cardio to organized sports, there are many different ways to exercise. It’s important to find something that you enjoy, as that will motivate you to keep up with it. If you’re just getting started with exercise, set yourself up for success by keeping it simple (like a few brisk ten-minute walks) and easing your way into doing more. 

Food is what fuels our bodies and minds. Without adequate or proper nutrition, our bodies and minds cannot operate at peak capacity. Consuming a lot of processed foods and food high in refined sugars can lead to inflammation, which is a contributor to many mental health concerns, including anxiety and depression. Consuming whole foods helps provide our bodies and minds with the nutrition we need to function at our best. High-quality protein contains the amino acids that produce neurotransmitters that help keep us mentally healthy. Complex carbohydrates provide our brains with fuel (glucose) and can also reduce cortisol, thus decreasing anxiety. Healthy fats help our bodies take in vitamins and create neurotransmitters. 

Common barriers to implementing an exercise routine or healthy nutrition include: time, convenience, lack of social support, social physique anxiety, and unrealistic goals. 

At Counseling For Wellness, LLC, our clinicians can help you overcome these barriers to implementing healthy fitness and nutrition habits and improving your mental health. Contact us today to get started on your journey to all-around wellness!

*Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before starting a new fitness routine or making dietary changes. 

Essay written by Elizabeth Manzetti, who currently specializes in mental health, nutrition, and fitness. Contact our front office for availability and scheduling.