
Goal #1. Prevent Suicides

How will we know if we achieve this goal?

1.Reduce the age adjusted suicide mortality rate by 20% from the 2017-2019 baseline of 10.7 per 100,000 to 8.6 per 100,000 by the end of 2024. (NYSDOH Suicide and Self Harm Dashboard)

a.    Decrease the # of residents who are male dying by suicide by 20%

b.    Decrease the # of residents ages 45-64 dying by suicide by 20%

c.    Decrease the # of suicide deaths caused by firearms by 30%

2. Decrease the percentage of 7th -12th grade students in Cortland County who report seriously considering attempting suicide at least one time in the past year from the 2019 baseline of 24.3% to 21% by the end of 2024. (Data Source: CACTC Youth Survey)

3. Decrease the percentage of 7th-12th grade students in Cortland County who report actually attempting suicide at least one time in the past year by 40% from the 2019 baseline of 9.4% to 5.6% by the end of 2024. (Data Source: CACTC Youth Survey)

4. Decrease the percentage of LGBQ+ 7th-12th grade students in Cortland.  County that report attempting suicide in the past year by 20% from the 2021 baseline of 19.3% to 15.5% by the end of 2024. (Data Source: CACTC Youth Survey)

5. Decrease the percentage of LGBQ+ 7th-12th grade students in Cortland County that report seriously considering attempting suicide in the past year by 20% from the 2021 baseline of 49.9% to 40% by the end of 2024. (Data Source: CACTC Youth Survey)

How do we plan on achieving this goal?

Gatekeeper Trainings

Provision of the evidenced based gatekeeper trainings; Youth Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health First Aid through Cortland County Mental Health Department and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Trainings through SPEAK UP Cortland.

Crisis Response

Provision of Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) for law enforcement, promotion of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by community partners, and intervention, response, and stabilization for adults, youth, and families in the community through Mobile Crisis services offered by Liberty Resources.

Reduce Access to Lethal Means

Reduce access to lethal means among people at risk of suicide through education and promotion of safe storage practices for firearms and medication and establishment of bridge signs encouraging individuals considering suicide to seek help.

Promote Connectedness 

Promote connectedness and strengthen the social capital of high risk populations through implementation/promotion of community engagement activities and programs for individuals experiencing disability/chronic disease, youth, and individuals who are LGBTQ+. 

Safer Suicide Care

Implement safer suicide care through systems changes at Guthrie Cortland Medical Center including; building design modifications that incorporate designated psych rooms in the ED and provision of necessities such as showers/nutritional area/care plan development for youth awaiting transfer, review/improve/standardize workflows for patients at risk of suicide, and collaborate with Complex Care Protocol and Crisis Intervention Team.

Reduce Provider Shortages

Strengthen access and delivery of mental health and suicide care by reducing provider shortages in the community through expansion and promotion of telehealth services at Cortland County Mental Health, Family & Children’s Counseling Services, Family Health Network and Guthrie Cortland Medical Center and promotion of the telehealth room and supports at Access to Independence. 

Screening and Safety Planning

Implementation of evidence based screening using the Columbia Scale and evidence based Stanley/Brown safety planning when discharging patients from Guthrie Cortland Medical Center ER, Cortland County Mental Health Department and Family & Children’s Counseling Services 

Implementation of integrated primary care and behavioral healthcare at Family Health Network and Family & Children’s Counseling Services locations.

Social Emotional Learning Programs

Teach coping and problem-solving skills through implementation of the evidenced based social-emotional learning programs and implementation of the Conscious Discipline Approach in CAPCO Head Start/Early Head Start classrooms 

Parenting Skills Programs

Teach coping and problem-solving skills through implementation and promotion of evidenced based parenting skills programs through Cortland Prevention Resources (Positive Parenting, Parenting Wisely). 

Safe Suicide Reporting

Lessen harm and prevent future risk of suicide among people who have lost a close contact to suicide through engagement with local media entities on the best practices and recommendations for reporting on suicide. 


Lessen harm and prevent future risk of suicide among people who have lost a close contact to suicide through implementation/promotion of Seven Valleys Health Coalition’s Post Trauma Response Team (PTRT). The PTRT can assist those impacted by a sudden traumatic loss (including suicide) with reducing feelings of helplessness, confusion, and anxiety and promote individual and community healing. 

Strengthen Economic Supports and Promote Housing Stabilization

Strengthen economic supports and promote housing stabilization through Social Determinant of Health screenings and referral in Guthrie primary care settings and implementation/promotion of CAPCO’s Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), EmPower NY, and Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and Catholic Charities of Cortland County’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program.