Quarter 3 (2023) Community Health Improvement Plan Update

Community Health Improvement Plan partners did amazing work in Quarter 3! (July 1, 2023 - September 30, 2023)

Photo descriptions clockwise: Reality Check teens with the owner of the Frosty Caboose, Beaudry Park - a tobacco free playground in Cortland County, Marathon Civic Center Park - a tobacco free playgounr in Cortland County, Reality Creek Youth, Tobacco Free Zone staff providing education at a community resource fair.

Photo descriptions clockwise: The Family Health Network Mobile clinic at Loaves and Fishes in September, advertisement for Immunization Ambassdors from August, two Immunization Ambassadors at a resource fair, handbook for Immunization Ambassador recruits.

Photo descriptions clockwise: CPR staff at the Drug Take Back day in September, other local agency staff at the Drug Takeback, Truxton Fire Department ceremony launching the Naloxone box, Healing Hearts Collaborative providing Naloxone training, FCCS Outreach & Engagement Team in the community.

Photo descriptions clockwise: Cortland Prevention Resources Girls Circle participants, Chalk the Walk art in front of the library, Crisis Intervention Training participants, Chalk the Walk art by Guthrie 1 East staff, Cortland LGBTQ staff at the Pride Festival in July.

Photo credits: Facebook pages of CCHD and other partner organizations