Community Health Improvement Plan

Background on Community Health Improvement Plan 

Following careful review of secondary data and collection/analysis of primary data for the Community Health Assessment - including input from over 2,266 community members, 1,975 7th-12th graders in Cortland County, and 20 partnering organizations - the following NYSDOH Prevention Agenda focus areas and goals were selected by the Cortland County Health Department and Guthrie Cortland Medical Center Steering Committee as the shared 2022-2024 Cortland County community health goals:

Focus Area: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Prevention

Goal #1: Prevent Opioid and Other Substance Misuse and Death

Goal #2: Prevent Suicide 

Focus Area: Chronic Disease - Prevent Tobacco Use

Goal #3: Prevent Initiation of Tobacco Use and Youth Vaping

Goal #4: Promote Tobacco Use Cessation 

Goal #5: Eliminate Secondhand Smoke

Focus Area: Vaccine Preventable Disease

Goal #6: Improve COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Rates

Goal #7: Reduce COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Coverage Disparities

Quarterly & Yearly Progress Updates 

View the interactive dashboard that tracks Cortland County's quarterly progress towards reaching year-end targets for the Community Health Improvement Plan. Progress updates also include quarterly highlight/successes for each focus area.

Individual Strategy Progress Updates

View strategies that are being implemented in Cortland County to address the four focus areas below, as well data tracking dashboards for individual strategies.

Opioids & Other Substances

COVID-19 & Flu

Tobacco & Vaping