Quarter 4 (2023) Community Health Improvement Plan Update

Community Health Improvement Plan partners did amazing work in Quarter 4! (October 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023)

Photo descriptions clockwise: Reality check teens and staff conducting outreach, community member at Smoke-Free movie hosted by TFZ and ATI, smoke-free signs at Greek Peak, media article on WNBG about smoking cessation.

Photo descriptions clockwise: Immunization ambassador tabling at Hollenbeck's, Flu shot testimonial social media campaign, immunization ambassador at Pumpkin Fest, Immunization ambassadors at the Age Well Center.

Photo descriptions clockwise: Stories of Hope and Recovery event at Cortland Free Library, MOUD marketing campaign image, peers from Family & Children's Counseling services, and Stories of Hope and Recovery event flyer.

Photo descriptions clockwise: Cortland County Mental Health Staff at and OMH conference, CCHD staff with 988 signage for social media, SPEAK UP Cortland social media post about gun locks in the community, and LGBTQ Center staff with proclamation from U.S President Joe Biden. 

Photo credits: Facebook pages of CCHD and other partner organizations