The One

Reality vs Truth

Most people think that Reality and Truth are synonymous, but that is not a reality or truth.

The seer, the one that sees; awareness, consciousness, pure mind whatever the label is the Truth. That which is seen i.e the content on the screen of consciousness is Reality.

Reality constantly changes within what is perceived as time.

Truth is changeless and therefore timeless.

The wondrous dreamscape of reality is sometimes called Maya the illusion but that is not quite correct. It would be more precise to call it a delusion because of the lack of understanding of what Reality is.

Reality isn't real, it is the content that is projected by consciousness onto the screen of the mind.

There is no solidity to Reality any more than a dream when we are asleep. We become deluded every night we dream by believing our dreams while we are experiencing them and only call them dreams when we wake up.

The so called waking state is another delusion during the day and is exactly the same as a dream at night until we wake up.

The thing that believes in Reality as being real is the falsely created personal self which itself is not real but just part of the Reality we believe as real.

To wake up from this longer dreamscape is to wake up from the delusion of Reality and Truth being synonymous.

Truth (the seer) and Reality (that which is seen) are the two aspects of creativity, part of which is creation itself.

Truth is true and exists. Reality is untrue and does not exist.

The illusion is that we are part of Reality when in truth we are Truth itself; unborn and timeless.

The One

The One or All That Is, expresses itself through imagined forms in a multitude of densities. Forms which include the universe and all its content are the mental dreamscape of the One.

Human forms have a mental capacity to believe they are individual.

They are individual from their illusory perspective.

In truth the One expresses itself through multiple and diverse forms from the perceived microcosm to the macrocosm in a myriad of frequencies not just so called material existence.

The individual changes in time, and as it seems to grow; its capacity for expression of the One changes with it.

The One never changes.

All That Is, is not synonymous with the universe. The universe is an expressive field for the One through form.

The universe is a mental dream which is a collapse of pure consciousness as a waveform into an objective expression as particles in the shape of forms including every living creature, planet, star, galaxy and every force contained in the universe.

There is no individual except from the point of view of the form which imagines it and is part of the dreamscape.

The source of all objective expression is the One who dreams it into a reality.

Reality itself and all that is contained in it is a projection of the universal mind of the one.

The expression or reality seems separate from the individual’s point of view but the individual is part of that dreamscape itself which doesn't exist in truth but seems to exist in reality.

Truth never changes.

Reality is in constant change and therefore not synonymous with Truth.

Truth can be likened to a white screen and reality is that which is projected onto it.